District Planning Policies

Budget Planning Subcommittee




Chris Bonvenuto, Administration Representative, Co-Chair

Tracie Hunter, Management Association Representative

Mitch Heskel, Management Association Representative

Teresita Rodriguez, Administration Representative


Matthew Hotsinpiller, Faculty Association Representative, Co-Chair

Peter Morse, Faculty Association Representative

Jamar London, Academic Senate Representative

Vicenta Arrizon, Academic Senate Representative


Martha Romano, CSEA Representative

Kennisha Green, CSEA Representative

Dagmar Gorman, CSEA Representative

Cindy Ordaz, CSEA Representative


David Duncan, Associated Students Representative

Jordan Davis, Associated Students Representative

Meetings: First and third Wednesdays at 2 p.m. , SSC 396:


The Budget Committee, which has a membership representative of all college constituencies, is responsible for reviewing expenditures and income, making recommendations to the Superintendent/President on issues related to financial planning, and informing the various college constituent groups of the status of funding and expenditures and any modifications made to the budget in response to funding changes.

Duties of the Budget Planning Subcommittee*

  • Have recommending authority on budget matters to the District Planning and Advisory Council.

  • Review, in a timely manner, tentative, quarterly and final budgets for consistency with annual institutional goals and objectives, strategic institutional plans, and the college vision, mission, goals, and master plans, and forward recommendations to the District Planning and Advisory Council

  • Review the annual budget and make recommendations to DPAC for short- and long-term budget planning strategies.

  • Review institutional expenditure practices, policies, and categories-not specific budget items-for consistency and compliance with the college vision, mission, goals, strategic initiatives and master plans and federal and state laws.

  • As part of the budget planning process, regularly explore practices that can reduce college expenditures or enhance college revenue.

  • Participate in the Master Planning process.

Approved: 4/27/05; Revised 6/22/05, 5/06, 8/06, 7/07, 10/07, 1/13/10, 9/14/11, 10/13

Self-Evaluation presented to DPAC 2/24/2010

*Consensus by the Budget Planning Subcommittee 12/1/2010

Budget Committee Minutes, Agendas, and Documents

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