District Planning Policies

Human Resources Planning Subcommittee



Administration Representatives

Wendi DeMorst
Sherri Lee-Lewis, Co-Chair

Management Representatives

Tracy Beidleman
Carol Long

Academic Senate Representatives

Jamar London
Dr. Vicenta Arrizon Maffris

Faculty Association Representatives


CSEA Representatives

Anisha DiGregorio, Co-Chair
Kennisha Green
Debra Willoughby

Student Representatives 2023-2024

Valeria Castillo Salgado  

Tiffany Lee     

Duties of the Human Resources Planning Subcommittee

  • Review data and practices as they relate to staffing needs, recruitment, hiring, and retention of employees so to inform human resources planning.

  • Monitor trends in equity and diversity in order to include findings in human resources discussions.

  • Review mandated training requirements and their delivery and effectiveness.

  • Review Board Policies and Administrative Regulations pertaining to all faculty and classified staff.


HR Planning Subcommittee Meetings