District Planning Policies

Facilities Planning Subcommittee


This page describes the shared governance subcommittee which includes students, faculty, administrators, and classified employees.

Other related pages include:

Meetings: 4th Thursday of selected months, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


If you are the designated appointing authority of a college constituent group represented on the Subcommittee, please notify Lisa Rose in the President's Office if your organization changes its appointees.

Co-Chair appointed by Superintendent/President: Terry Kamibayashi

Co-chair elected by Subcommittee: Jamar London



Classified Employees


Terry Kamibayashi
Don Girard
Sasha King
Charlie Yen

Jamar London
Elisa Meyer

Dagmar Gorman
Judith Mosher
Cindy Ordaz 
Marco Zetina



Duties of the Facilities Planning Subcommittee

  • The subcommittee should make recommendations as directed by DPAC on matters within its jurisdiction that are consistent with the District’s Mission, Vision and Supporting Goals, , Strategic Initiatives, the Annual Action Plans, and the Facilities Master Plan.
  • Participate in the process for the preparation of various District facilities related documents, such as the facilities section of the Annual Strategic Planning Report, the Facilities Master Plan and the Five-Year Construction Plan.
  • Factor into planning the impact of local funds available, state funding criteria, space allocation formulas, facility utilization standards, capacity/load ratios, enrollment forecasts, and the inventory of existing facilities.
  • Review the documents used in facilities planning.

Approved: 5/11/2005; Revised 6/22/06, 8/06, 7/07, 10/10, 1/13/10, 9/14/11, 10/13, 7/21

DPAC Facilities Planning Subcommittee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Facilities-related Resources

Santa Monica College Custodial Services Assessment Executive Summary

Santa Monica College Custodial Services Assessment