Time: Every other Wednesday, Noon to 2 p.m.
Location: SSC #222, Zoom Session
Date |
Documents |
September 11
September 25 |
October 9 |
October 23 |
November 6 |
November 20 |
SAC Minutes 11/20/24 |
December 4 |
SAC Minutes 12/4/24 |
March 12 |
SAC Minutes 3/12/25 |
- ARs for SS 4000/5000 Series
- ARs for SS 4000/5000 by Dates
- Goals for 24-25
- Goals for 24-25 Revised
- Goals for 24-25 Final
- SAC Scope & Functions
- SAC Scope & Functions Revised
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct V1
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct Exec1
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct Exec
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct Exec 2
- AR 5500 Standards of Student Conduct AS2
- AR 5500.1 Standards of Academic Conduct
- AR 5520 St Discipline Procedures
- AR 5520 St Discipline Procedures V1
- AR 5520 St Discipline Procedures 11-20
- AR 5520 St Discipline Procedures 12-4
- AR 5530 St Rights and Grievances
- AR 4250 Academic Notice
- AR 4255 Academic Pause & Reinstatement
- AR 4070 Auditing of Courses
- AR 4310 Final Examinations & Grades
- AR 4310 Final Examinations & Grades
- AR 4310 Final Examinations & Grades Exec 2
- AR 4310 Final Examinations & Grades AS2
- AR 5203 Lactation Accommodations
- AR 5203 Lactation Accommodations Exec
- AR 5203 Lactation Accommodations Exec2
- AR 5203 Lactation Accommodations AS2
- AR 5017 Making & Responding to Inquiries of Immig & Citiz Status & National Origin Info
- AR 5017 Making & Responding to Inquiries of Immig & Citiz Status & Nat'l Origin Info Exec
- AR 5017 Making & Responding to Inquiries of Immig & Citiz Status & Nat'l Origin Info Exec 1
Date |
Documents |
September 13 |
September 27 |
October 11 |
October 25 |
November 1 |
November 29 |
February 28
March 13 |
March 27 |
April 3 |
April 17 |
May 1 |
May 15 |
- SAC Scope & Functions
- Equity Minded Questions for Policy Development
- Student Services AR# & Titles
- SAC Goals 23-24
- AR 4100.6 Other College C/NC Allowed Not Allowed
- AR 4100.7 Transcripts & Test Scores
- AR 4100.10 Reissuing Transc Diplomas on Name Gender Changes
- AR 4250 Probation
- AR 4255 Dismissal & Reinstatement
- AR 4100.10 Updating Diplomas Transcripts Other Records Based on Name Gender Changes
- AR 4100.4 Institutional Accreditation
- AR 4100.4 Institutional Accreditation Exec2
- AR 4100.5 Transfer Credits from Non-U.S. Insts
- AR 4100.8 Petitioning for Degrees Certificates
- AR 4100.9 Commencement
- AR 4232 Pass No Pass
- AR 4100 Grad Reqments for Degrees
- AR 5012 International Students
- AR 5140 Ctr Sts Disabilities
- AR 5220 Shower Facilities for Unhoused Sts
- AR 4100.4 Inst Accred Reqment of Coursewk AS
- AR 4100.10 Updating Diplomas, Transc, Other Records Based on Name/Gender Changes AS
- AR 4100.6 Other College C/NC Allowed/Not Allowed AS
- AR 4100.7 Transcripts & Test Scores AS
- AR 5040.1 Compliance w/FERPA
- AR 5530 St Rights & Grievances
- AR 4100.5 Transf Credits Non-U.S. Insts AS
- AR 4232 Pass/No Pass Grading Exec
- AR 5040.1 Compliant w/FERPA V2
- AR 5530 St Rights and Grievances Combined
- AR 4250 Academic Notice
- AR 4255 Academic Pause and Reinstatement
- AR 4100.5 Transf Credits Non-US Insts AS2
- AR 5040.1 Compliance with FERPA Exec
- AR 5500 Standards Student Conduct
- AR 5500.1 Standards Academic Conduct
- AR 5500.2 Honor Code/Honor Council
- AR 5520 Student Discipline Procedures
- AR 4240 Academic Renewal
- AR 4240 Academic Renewal Exec
- AR 4245 Progress Renewal
- AR 4245 Progress Renewal Exec
Date |
Documents |
September 14 |
SAC Agenda 9/14/22 |
September 28 |
October 12 |
October 26 |
November 9 |
November 16 |
November 30 |
March 1 |
March 8 |
March 22 |
April 5 |
April 19 |
May 3 |
May 17 |
- AR 5070 Attendance
- AR 5075 Adds, Drops & Withdrawals
- FW Grade Proposal
- AR 5070 Attendance 1
- AR 5070 Attendance Exec
- AR 5070 Attendance AS
- AR 5075 Adds, Drops & Withdrawals Oct
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals V.7
- Equity Minded Guided Questions for Policy Development
- AR 5075 Add & Withdrawals Nov
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals V8
- AR 5070 Attendance Exec 1
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals V9
- AR 5070 Attendance Exec 2
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals Exec
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals Exec 1
- EW & P/NP 1-18-23
- EW & P/NP Passed Sept 2022
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals '23
- AR 5070 Attendance '23
- AR 5140 Ctr Sts w/Disabilities
- AR 5012 International Students
- AR 4026 Phil & Crit Int'l Educ
- AR 5011 Adm & Concurr Enroll for HS & Other Young Sts
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals Exec2
- AR 5070 Attendance Exec March Mtg
- AR 5011 V1 Adm & HS Concurr Enroll for HS & Other Young Sts
- AR 4250 Probation
- AR 4255 Dismissal & Reinstatement
- AR 5011 Adm & HS Concurr Enroll for HS & Other Young Sts AS
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals AS
- AR 5075 Adds & Withdrawals AS2
- AR 4250 Probation Exec
- AR 4250 Probation Exec2
- AR 4255 Dismissal & Reinstatement Exec
- AR 4255 Dismissal & Reinstatement Exec2
- AR 4100.4 Institutional Accreditation
- AR 4100.5 Transfer Credits from Foreign Inst's
- AR 4100.6 Other College C-NC Allowed & Not Allowed
- AR 4100.7 Transcripts & Test Scores
- AR 4100.8 Petitioning for Degrees & Certificates
- AR 4100.9 Commencement
Date |
Documents |
September 15 |
September 29 |
October 13 |
October 27 |
November 10 |
December 1 |
March 2, 2022 |
March 16, 2022 |
March 30, 2022 |
April 20, 2022 |
May 04, 2022 |
May 11, 2022 |
May 25, 2022 |
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurr Act's
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurr Act's
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurr Act's
- AR 4000/5000 Titles
- Goals & Objectives 21-22
- Updates 37/38 Oct/April
- Goals & Objectives 21-22 V2
- New ARs for SMC
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracc (F.Studies)
- AR 4300 Title 5 and Ed Code
- AR 4300 Title 5
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurr Act's
- AR 4300 Funding Commitment Field trips
- AR 4100 Grad Req'ments for Degrees & Certs
- AR 4100 Grad Req'ments for Degrees & Certs V3
- AR 4100 EE Edits Grad Req'ments for Degrees & Certs
- AR 4100 12/1 Edits Grad Req'ments for Degrees & Certs
- AR 4100.2 Other Means to Satisfy Certificate & Degree Req'ments
- AR 4110 Honorary Degrees
- Title 5 Changes Covid
- AR 4100 3/2 Grad Req'ments for Degree
- AR 4100.2 Grad Req'ments for Cert/Certifications
- AR 4100.4 Institutional Accreditation
- AR 4100.5 Transf Credits from Foreign Inst
- AR 4100.6 Other College C/NC Allowed & Not Allowed
- AR 4100.7 Transcripts & Test Scores
- AR 4100.8 Petitioning for Degrees/Certs
- AR 4100.9 Commencement
- AR 5075 Course Adds & Withdrawals
- AR 5070 Attendance
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition
- AR 4230 Grade Notations
- AR 4100 Grad Reqments
- AR 5075 Course Adds & Withdrawals
- AR 5070 Attendance
- AR 4230 Grade Notations
- AR 4230 Grade Symbols AS
- AR 4100 Grad Reqments for Degree
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition 3/16
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition 2nd Read
- AR 5070 Attendance V1
- AR 5070 Attendance V3
- AR 5075 Adds, Withdrawals V3
- AR 4100 Grad Reqments for Degrees Final
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition Final
- AR 5070 Attendance Draft
- AR 5075 Adds, Withdrawals V4
- Proposed Title 5 EW & P/NP
P/DQ Subcommittee
- Prob & DQ Report 2019-20
- Prob/DQ SubC July 7
- Prob/DQ SubC July 14
- BTS St Survey Sum 2016
- DQ Reinstatement Petition
- Prob/DQ SubC July 21
- Prob/DQ SubC July 28
- Prob/DQ SubC Sept 22
- Prob/DQ SubC Oct 6
- Prob/DQ SubC Oct 20
- Prob/DQ SubC Nov 3
- Prob/DQ SubC Nov 17
- Prob/DQ SubC Dec 8
- Prob/DQ SubC Mar 23
- Prob/DQ SubC April 27
- Prob/DQ SubC Oct 12
- Prob/DQ SubC Oct 26
- St Prob/Dism Survey F 21
- AR 4250 Probation SubC V1
- AR 4250 Probation SubC
- AR 4250 Probation SubC 10.12
- AR 4255 Dismissal SubC
- AR 4255 Dismissal SubC V1
- AR 4100.1 No. of Degrees & Cert Awarded to a St
- AR 4100.3 Recognnition of Academic Excellence
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition
- AR 5422 On-Campus Events by St Org's & Clubs
- AR 5424 Formation of Student Clubs
- AR 4350 Graduation Requirements
- AR 5570 Credit Card Marketing
- AR 4235 Credit for Prior Learning & Credit by Exam
- AR 4331 Academic Renewal
- AR 4332 Progress Renewal
- AR 5400 Associated Students
- Regs Couns Review
Date | Documents |
May 12, 2021 |
May 5, 2021 |
April 21, 2021 |
- AR 4100 AV Graduation Requirements
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurricular Acts
- AR 5422 Campus Events by St Orgs & Clubs
- AR 4350 Graduation Requirements
- AR 5424 Formation of St Clubs
- AR 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees & Certificates
- AR 4350 Graduation Requirements
- Back to Success Data
- Dismissed St Success Rates
- Probation Sp 18
- Prob/DQ SubC June 1
- Prob/DQ SubC June 8
- Prob/DQ SubC June 15
- Couns Survey Request
- GPS 20-21
- Comparison Prob/DQ
- AR 5422 Campus Events by St Org's & Clubs
- AR 5424 Formation of St Clubs
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurricular Acts
- Club Advisor #Results Sp '21
- AR 5222 Campus Events by St Org's & Clubs V5
- AR 5424 Formation of St Clubs V6
- AR 4300 Field Trips & Extracurricular Acts V4
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition V2
- AR 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees & Certs V3
- AR 4100.2 Other Means to Degrees & Certs V2
- Club Advisor Survey Sp '21
- AR 4250 Probation
- AR 4255 Dismissal & Re-admission
- AR 5422 On-Campus Events by St Orgs & Clubs V4
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition V1
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights SAC
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence SAC
- AR 5422 On-Campus Events by St Orgs & Clubs
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights
- AR 4100.1 No. of Degrees & Certificates Awarded to a St
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence V2
- AR 5422 Campus Events by St Org's and Clubs V2
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights V2
- AR 4100.1 No. Degrees & Cert's Awarded to a St V1
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence V1
- AR 5422 Campus Events by St Orgs and Clubs V1
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights V1
- AR 4100 Graduation Requirements V2
- AR 4102 Certificate of Achievement
- AR 4100.1 No Degrees & Certs Awarded to a St
- AR 4100.2 Means to a Cert & Degree
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 5400 Associated Students V1
- AR 5400 Associated Students
- AR 5422 Campus Events by St Org's & Clubs
- AR 5400/5425 Assoc St Org
- AR 5431 Campus Events by St Orgs & Clubs
- AR 5430 Formation of St Clubs
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights
- AR 4100 Graduation Requirements
- AR 4100.1 Certificate of Achievement
- AR 4100.2 No Degrees & Cert's Awarded to a St
- AR 4100.3 Other Means Satisfy Cert/Degree Requirements
- AR 4100.4 Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 5050 Student Success & Support Programs
- AR 5425 Associated Students
- AR 4300 V1 Field Trips and Extracurricular Acts
- AR 5570 V1 Credit Card Mktg
- AR 4235 V1 Credit for Prior Learning
- AR 5050 V2 Student Success & Support Programs
- AR 5570 Credit Card Mktg V5
- AR 4235 Credit for Prior Learning V2
- AR 4331 Academic Renewal
- AR 4332 Progress Renewal
- AR 5570 Credit Card Mktg V6
- AR 4331 Academic Renewal V.1
- AR 4332 Progress Renewal V.1
- SAC Scope & Functions
- CC League Updates
- AR 4000-5000 Series
- Goals & Objectives 2020-21 V1
- Goals & Objectives 20-21 V2
- AR 5425 Scholarship Standards for St. Govt
- AR 5430 Formation of St Clubs
- AR 5431 Campus Events by St Orgs and Clubs
- AR 4300 Field Trips and Extracurricular Acts V2
- AR 4331 Academic Renewal tracked
- AR 4332 Progress Renewal tracked
- AR 4235 Credit for Prior Learning & Credit by Exam
- AR 4235 CPL Exec
- AR 4235 Credit for Prior Learning and Credit by Exam
Date | Documents |
December 4, 2019 |
November 20, 2019 |
November 13, 2019 |
October 30, 2019 |
October 16, 2019 |
October 2, 2019 |
September 18, 2019 |
- AR 3900: Use of College Property for Speech and Other Activities
- AR 4000: Admission and Registration
- AR 4225: Credit Course Repetition
- AR 4226: Enrollment Overlap and Time Conflicts
- AR 4300: Field Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
- AR 5017: Making and Responding to Inquiries of Immigration Status, Citizenship Status, and National Origin Information
- AR 5203: Lactation Accommodation
- AR 5410: Associated Students Elections
- AR 5420: Associated Students Finance
- AR 5430: Formation of Student Clubs
- AR 5431: On-Campus Events by Student Organizations and Clubs
- AR 5570: Credit Card Marketing
Date | Documents |
May 15, 2019 |
May 1, 2019 |
April 17, 2019 |
March 27, 2019 |
March 13, 2019 |
February 27, 2019 |
November 28, 2018 |
November 14, 2018 |
October 31, 2018 |
October 17, 2018 |
October 3, 2018 |
September 19, 2018 |
- AR 4000: Admission and Registration
- AR 4225: Credit Course Repetition
- AR 4226: Enrollment Overlap and Time Conflicts
- AR 4230: Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- AR 4250: Standards of Student Success
- AR 4340: Credit Course Enrollment Limitation
- AR 5010: Admission Eligibility
- AR 5015: Residence Determination
- AR 5070: Attendance
- AR 5075: Course Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals
- AR 5140: Disabled Student Programs and Services
- AR 5400: Associated Students Organization
- AR 5410: Associated Students Elections
- AR 5420: Associated Students Finance
- AR 5430: Student Clubs and Organizations
- SP Grading – Huge Win for Noncredit
- SP Grading – Huge Win for Noncredit
- 2018–2019 Goals and Objectives
- Preferred/Affirmed First Name and Pronoun Policy
Date | Documents |
May 30, 2018 |
May 16, 2018 |
May 2, 2018 |
April 18, 2018 |
March 28, 2018 |
March 14, 2018 |
February 28, 2018 |
November 29, 2017 |
November 15, 2017 |
November 1, 2017 |
October 18, 2017 |
October 4, 2017 |
September 20, 2017 |
September 6, 2017 |
- AR 4111.3: California High School Proficiency Examination and General Education Diploma
- AR 4111.8: Enrollment Priorities
- AR 4113: High School Concurrent Enrollment
- AR 4124: Refunds
- AR 5040: Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy
- AR 5045: Student Records – Challenging Content and Access Log
- AR 5070: Attendance
- AR 5140: Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)
- BOG Fee Waiver
- Enrollment Priority Policy (Effective October 2016)
- Goals and Objectives 2017-2018
- Loss of BOG Fee Waiver Appeal Process
- Student Fee Handbook 2012
- Attendance and Voting
Date | Documents |
May 10, 2017 |
April 26, 2017 |
April 5, 2017 |
March 22, 2017 |
December 14, 2016 |
November 16, 2016 |
November 2, 2016 |
October 19, 2016 |
October 5, 2016 |
September 21, 2016 |
- AR 4321: Withdrawal from Class
- AR 4000: Admission and Regulation
- AR 4111.1 - AR 4314: Auditing of Courses and Credit by Examination
- AR 4111.8: Enrollment Priorities
- AR 4222: Remedial Coursework
- AR 4230: Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- AR 4310: Final Examinations and Grades
- AR 4314: Credit by Examination
- AR 4320: Attendance
- AR 4350: Graduation Requirements
- AR 4352: Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 4352.2 CSU General Education Certificate of Achievement
- AR 4355: Graduation Proficiency Assessment in Mathematics
- AR 5030: Fees and Refunds
- AR 5040: Student Records
- AR 5070: Attendance
- AR 5075: Course Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals
- AR 5140: Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)
- AR 4352: Recognition of Academic Excellence
- Revised Dates
- Goals and Objectives 2016-2017
- AR 4435: Responsible Use of Computer Resources
Date | Documents |
May 18, 2016 |
May 4, 2016 |
April 27, 2016 |
April 6, 2016 |
March 2, 2016 |
February 17, 2016 |
December 9, 2015 |
November 25, 2015 |
November 4, 2015 |
October 28, 2015 |
September 23, 2015 |
September 9, 2015 |
- Final Report 2015-2016
- AR 4111.5: Admission and Registration
- AR 4410: Rules for Student Conduct
- AR 4110: Residency Determination
- AR 4111.6: Transfer Credit from Foreign Institutions for a SMC Degree/Certificate
- AR 4114: Student Success and Support Program
- AR 4331: Academic Renewal
- AR 4332: Progress Renewal
- AR 4342: Standards of Student Success – Probation and Disqualification
- AR 4420: Enrollment and Scholarship Standards for Participation in Santa Monica College Student Government
- AR 4440: Academic and Extracurricular Trips
Date | Documents |
May 12, 2015 |
April 28, 2015 |
April 7, 2015 |
March 24, 2015 |
March 2, 2015 |
November 25, 2014 |
November 4, 2014 |
October 21, 2014 |
October 7, 2014 |
September 23, 2014 |
September 9, 2014 |
Date | Documents |
May 20, 2014 |
April 22, 2014 |
April 8, 2014 |
March 25, 2014 |
March 25, 2014 |
November 26, 2013 |
November 12, 2013 |
October 29, 2013 |
October 15, 2013 |
September 24, 2013 |
September 24, 2013 |
Date | Documents |
March 5, 2013 |
February 19, 2013 |
February 12, 2013 |
December 4, 2012 |
November 20, 2012 |
November 6, 2012 |
October 23, 2012 |
October 9, 2012 |
September 25, 2012 |
Date | Documents |
April 17, 2012 |
March 27, 2012 |
March 13, 2012 |
February 28, 2012 |
December 6, 2011 |
October 4, 2011 |
September 20, 2011 |
September 13, 2011 |
Date | Documents |
May 31, 2011 |
May 24, 2011 |
April 26, 2011 |
March 22, 2011 |
March 8, 2010 |
November 30, 2010 |