Under the direction of the Academic Senate President and the Committee of the Whole,
the committee serves as the Senate’s primary resource and primary recommending body
on academic and professional matters regarding distance and online education. It explores,
addresses, and disseminates information on evolving issues, including, but not limited
to, development of, delivery of, and support for online education.
Provides a forum for exploring and addressing evolving issues in distance and online
education and disseminates information about these issues to the campus community.
Makes recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding distance education and other
online delivery of instructional material, including the development of administrative
regulations and Board of Trustees’ policies, course management systems, accessibility,
and other related digital education products and services.
Supports faculty in the development and delivery of their online courses by establishing
and maintaining evidence-based best practices for accessible, equitable, pedagogically-sound
online course delivery and recommends skills for teaching online.
Collaborates and coordinates on areas of mutual interest with other senate committees
and campus constituencies.
The committee shall consist of nine voting members: six faculty approved by the Academic
Senate and three administrators.
Five or more of the committee’s nine voting members shall constitute a quorum.
All of the meetings are open to the public. Official committee actions, such as making
and seconding motions, and voting on formal action items, are exclusive to official
voting members. Otherwise, the committee chair’s intention is to facilitate an open
forum of discussion in which all individuals present are invited to actively take
Committee Membership (2024-2025)
Chair: Gary Huff (Chair) Tammara Whitaker (Vice-Chair)
Voting Members: Fariba Bolandhemat, Collin Ellis, Corinne Hayes, Sandra Hutchinson, Maral Hyeler,
Vanessa Malzone, Paul Trautwein, and Vanessa Malzone.
Interested Parties: Willis Barton, Ashley Eutsey, Matt Larcin, Laura Manson, Christine Miller, and Odemaris Valdevia.
Meetings: Agendas & Minutes
Tuesdays, 12:45 to 2 p.m. in HSS 361 (voting members) and Zoom (interested parties)