
Professional Ethics & Responsibilities


Welcome to the Professional Ethics & Responsibilities Committee.

Scope & Functions


The Committee publicizes and supports the Statement on Professional Ethics, developing policies that encourage adherence to the Statement. The Committee shall include faculty members broadly representing the diversity of the campus community.


  1. Recommends a Code of Ethics and publicizes it to the campus community, and promotes understanding of and adherence to such Code of Ethics and policies as may be adopted by the Senate.

  2. Recommends policies related to academic freedom and other rights and responsibilities of faculty.

  3. Develops, recommends, and makes available a list of appropriate referrals to assist members of the College community regarding any complaints or alleged violation of Senate policies such as those on academic freedom, responsibility or ethics.

  4. Supports and advises faculty as needed regarding ethical issues brought to its attention.

  5. Performs, at the direction of the Executive Committee or the Academic Senate President, any other duties as assigned relating to Senate or professional ethical matters.


Membership: Faculty

Chair, Brian Rajski


  • Valerie Narey

  • Lula Livanis

  • Luz Badillo

  • Ian Colmer

  • Jillian Alexander


Time: Once a month, TBA

Location: Senate Office HSS 216


  • TBA

Agendas & Minutes

Model Syllabus

The Professional Ethics & Responsibility Committee is responsible for creating and revising the Academic Senate's Model Syllabus.  The Model Syllabus is a tool to help every faculty member create an effective syllabus that includes all official requirements, sets policies that follow academic regulations, and uses student success and equity oriented practices and language.

Professional Ethics and Responsibilities Committee Newsletters

One of the functions of the Academic Senate's Professional Ethics and Responsibilities Committee is to promote understanding of and adherence to our Code of Ethics. To this end, we post written materials and send out brief emails to faculty which present a variety of common ethical dilemmas or problems that faculty members may face. Rather than telling people what they must do, we raise these issues in order to stimulate reflection on our own individual conduct and we try to encourage "best practices." Our presumption is that each of us is committed to being an "ethical professor," but that reflection on our practices might reveal opportunities for improvement or help us to better handle such situations when they arise.

SMC Ethics Archive

Ethical Professor Archive