Updated Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
- BP 2010 Board Membership
- BP 2015 Student Trustee
- BP 2100 Board Elections Rev. 3-26-17
- BP 2105 Election of Student Trustee
- BP 2110 Vacancies on the Board
- BP 2200 Board Duties and Responsibilities
- BP 2210 Officers
- BP 2220 Committees of the Board
- BP 2305 Annual Organizational Meeting
- BP 2310 Regular Meetings of the Board
- BP 2315 Closed Sessions
- BP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings
- BP 2330 Quorum and Voting
- BP 2340 Agendas Rev. 3-26-17
- BP 2345 Public Participation at Bd Mtgs Rev. 3-26-17
- BP 2350 Speakers
- BP 2355 Decorum
- BP 2360 Minutes
- BP 2365 Recording
BP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Regulations - BP 2430 Delegation of Authority to the Supt-President
- BP 2431 Supt-President Selection
- BP 2432 Supt-President Succession
- BP 2435 Evaluation of the Supt-President
- BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making
- BP 2511 Participatory Governance - Academic Senate
- BP 2512 Participatory Governance - Classified Staff
- BP 2513 Participatory Governance - Associated Students
- BP 2514 Participatory Governance - Management Assn
- BP 2515 District Planning and Advisory Council
- BP 2610 Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
- BP 2710 Conflict of Interest
- BP 2712 Conflict of Interest Code
- BP 2715 Code of Ethics - Standards of Practice
- BP 2716 Board Political Activity
- BP 2717 Personal Use of Public Resources - Board
- BP 2720 Communications Among Board Members
- BP 2725 Board Member Compensation
- BP 2730 Board Member Health Benefits
- BP 2735 Board Member Travel
- BP 2740 Board Education
- BP 2745 Board Self-Evaluation
- BP 2750 Board Member Absence from the State
- BP 2800 Legal Services
- BP 3050 Institutional Code of Ethics
- BP 3100 Organizational Structure
- BP 3150 Organizational Memberships
- BP 3200 Accreditation
- BP 3225 Institutional Effectiveness
- BP 3250 Institutional Planning
- BP 3260 DPAC
- BP 3280 Grants
- BP 3300 Public Records
- BP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction
- BP 3410 Nondiscrimination
- BP 3420 EEO
- BP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
- BP 3440 Animals
- BP 3500 Campus Safety
- BP 3501 Campus Security and Access
- BP 3505 Emergency Response Plan
- BP 3510 Workplace Violence
- BP 3515 Reporting of Crimes
- BP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting
- BP 3520 Local Law Enforcement
- BP 3525 Parking Citation Payment
- BP 3530 Weapons on District Property
- BP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus and in Campus Programs
- BP 3550 Drug-Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program
- BP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages
- BP 3570 Smoke Free Campus
- BP 3600 Auxiliary Organizations
- BP 3625 General Advisory Board
- BP 3650 SMC Foundation
- BP 3710 Securing of Copyright
- BP 3715 Intellectual Property
- BP 3720 Computer and Network Use
- BP 3750 Use of Copyrighted Material
- BP 3810 Claims Against the District
- BP 3820 Gifts or Donations to the District
- BP 3900 Speech - Time, Place, and Manner
- BP 3950 Display of Federal and State Flags
- BP 3960 Participation in Community Activities and Orgs
- BP 3990 Public Information
- BP 3996 Radio Station KCRW-FM
- AR 3050 Institutional Code of Ethics
- AR 3225 Institutional Effectiveness
- AR 3250 Institutional Planning
- AR 3300 Public Records
- AR 3310 Records Retention and Destruction
- AR 3420 EEO
- AR 3430 Prohibition of Harassment
AR 3434 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
AR 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations - AR 3505 Emergency Response Plan
- AR 3510 Workplace Violence
- AR 3515 Reporting of Crimes
- AR 3520 Local Law Enforcement
- AR 3530 Weapons on District Property
- AR 3570 Smoke Free Campus
- AR 3720 Computer and Network Use
- AR 3900 Speech - Time, Place, and Manner
- AR 3950 Display of Federal and State Flags
- BP 4010 Academic Calendar
- BP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development
- BP 4026 Philosophy & Criteria for International Education
- BP 4030 Academic Freedom
- BP 4050 Articulation
- BP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreement
- BP 4070 Course Auditing Auditing Fees
- BP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
- BP 4105 Distance Education
- BP 4110 Honorary Degrees
- BP 4225 Course Repetition
- BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
- BP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- BP 4232 Pass/No Pass
- BP 4235 Credit by Examination
- BP 4236 Credit for Prior Learning
- BP 4240 Academic Renewall
- BP 4250 Probation, Dismissal and Readmission
- BP 4260 Prerequisites, Co-Requisites, and Advisories
- BP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions
- BP 4400 Community Services Programs
- BP 4500 NonCredit (Adult ) Education
- BP 4700 Guest Speakers - Solicitation in the Classroom
- BP 4800 Advisory Boards
- AR 4000 Catalog Rights
- AR 4020 Curriculum Committee
- AR 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees
- AR 4100.1 Number of Degrees and Certificates Awarded to a Students
- AR 4100.3 Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 4100.4 Institutional Accreditation Requirement of Course Work
- AR 4100.5 Transfer Credit from Non-US. Institutions
- AR 4100.6 Other College Credit and Noncredit Allowed and Not Allowed
- AR 4100.7 Transcripts and Test Scores
- AR 4100.8 Petitioning for Degrees and Certificates
- AR 4100.9 Commencement
- AR 4100.10 Updating Diplomas
- AR 4111.1 Auditing of Courses
- AR 4222 Remedial Coursework
- AR 4225 Credit Course Repetition
- AR 4226 Enrollment Overlap Conflicts
- AR 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- AR 4232 Pass and No Pass Grading
- AR 4235 Credit for Prior Learning and Credit by Examination
- AR 4250 Probation
- AR 4255 Dismissal and Reinstatement
- AR 4310 Final Examinations
- AR 4314.1 Credit by Examination Based on HS Articulation
- AR 4240 Academic Renewal
- AR 4245 Progress Renewal
- AR 4350 Graduation Requirements
- AR 4352 Recognition of Academic Excellence
- AR 4354.1 IGETC Certificate of Achievement
- AR 4354.2 CSU GE Certificate of Achievement
- AR 4355 Graduation Proficiency
- BP 5010 Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment
- BP 5012 International Students
- BP 5015 Residence Determination
- BP 5020 Nonresident Tuition
- BP 5030 Fees
- BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Info & Privacy
- BP 5050 Student Success and Support Program
- BP 5052 Open Enrollment
- BP 5110 Counseling
- BP 5140 Disabled Student Program and Services
- BP 5430 Student Clubs and Organizations
- BP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
- BP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics
- AR 5010 Admissions
- AR 5011 Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of HS and Other Young Students
- AR 5012 International Students
- AR 5017 Respond to Inquiries of Immig 12-10-19
- AR 5030 Fees
- AR 5040 Student Records
- AR 5040.1 Compliance with FERPA
- AR 5040.2 Transcripts
- AR 5040.3 Use of Social Security Numbers
- AR 5040.4 Types, Locations and Custodian of Education Records
- AR 5045 Student Records-Challenging Content and Access Log
- AR 5055 Enrollment Priorities
- AR 5070 Attendance
- AR 5075 Course Adds and Withdrawals from Courses
- AR 5220 Shower Facilities for Unhoused Students
- AR 5203 Lactation Accommodation 12-10-19
- AR 5400 Associated Students
- AR 5410 Associated Students Election 12-10-19
- AR 5420 Associated Students Finance 12-10-19
- AR 5422 On-Campus Events by Student Organizations and Clubs
- AR 5424 Formation of Students Clubs
- BP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
- BP 6116 Debt Issuance
- BP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
- BP 6200 Budget Preparation
- BP 6250 Budget Management
- BP 6300 Fiscal Management
- BP 6320 Investments
- BP 6330 Purchasing
- BP 6340 Bids and Contracts
- BP 6400 Financial Audits
- BP 6450 Wireless or Cellular Telephone Use
- BP 6500 Property Management
- BP 6520 Control and Security for District Property
- BP 6540 Insurance
- BP 6550 Disposal of Property
- BP 6600 Capital Construction
- BP 6620 Naming of Facilities
- BP 6700 Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
- BP 6740 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
- BP 6750 Parking
- BP 6755 Bicyles, Motorcycles, Mopeds, Roller Scates, Roller Blades, Scateboard, Scooter, and Other Human Transporters
- BP 6900 Bookstore
- BP 6905 Food Services
- BP 6960 Sustainability - Environmental Responsibility
- AR 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
- AR 6116 Debt Issuance
- AR 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
- AR 6200 Budget Preparation
- AR 6250 Budget Management
- AR 6300 Fiscal Management
- AR 6310 Accounting
- AR 6320 Investments
- AR 6324 Reporting Fraud, Waste, Abuse
- AR 6325 Payroll
- AR 6330 Purchasing
- AR 6340 Bids and Contracts
- AR 6341 Business Diversity
- AR 6500 Property Management
- AR 6510 Use of District Property
- AR 6740 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
- AR 6810 Unmanned Aircraft
- BP 7100 Commitment to Diversity
- BP 7110 Delegation of Authority, Human Resources
- BP 7120 Recruitment and Selection
- BP 7130 Compensation
- BP 7140 Collective Bargaining
- BP 7145 Personnel Files
- BP 7150 Evaluation
- BP 7160 Professional Development
- BP 7210 Academic Employees
- BP 7212 Temporary Faculty
- BP 7230 Classified Employees
- BP 7240 Classified Confidential Employees
- BP 7250 Academic Administrators
- BP 7260 Classified Managers
- BP 7310 Nepotism
- BP 7330 TB Risk Assessment
- BP 7335 Health Examinations
- BP 7340 Leaves
- BP 7341 Sabbaticals
- BP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave
- BP 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program
- BP 7350 Resignations
- BP 7355 Retirement
- BP 7370 Political Activity
- BP 7371 Personal Use of Public Resources
- BP 7380 Retiree Health Benefits
- BP 7381 Health and Welfare Benefits
- BP 7385 Salary Deductions
- BP 7400 Travel
- BP 7510 Domestic Partners
- BP 7600 SMC Police Department
- BP 7700 Reporting Fraud, Waste, Abuse
- BP 7800 Citizen Complaints Against District Personnel
- AR 7120 Recruitment and Selection
- AR 7130 Compensation
- AR 7145 Personnel Files
- AR 7150 Evaluation
- AR 7160 Professional Development
- AR 7210.1 Regular, Contract and Temporary Academic Employees
- AR 7210.2 Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Members
- AR 7210.3 Academic Rank
- 7210.4 Department Chairs and Faculty Chairs - Tenure and Selection
- AR 7210.5 Student Club Advisor Responsibilities
- AR 7211 FSAs, Min Quals, and Equivalencies
- AR 7212 Temporary Faculty
- AR 7230 Classified Employees
- AR 7250 Academic Administrators Retreat Rights Process
- AR 7330 Communicable Disease
- AR 7336 Certification of Freedom from TB
- AR 7340 Leaves
- AR 7341 Sabbaticals
- AR 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave
- AR 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program
- AR 7355 Retirement
- AR 7360 Discipline and Dismissal of Regular and Contract Employees
- AR 7400 Travel
- AR 7700 Whistleblower Protection
- AR 7800 Citizen Complaints Against District Personnel
- AR 7900 Lactation Accommodation