Personnel Commission

About Personnel Commission



The Personnel Commission is a five-member, independent body. It is the mainstay of the Merit System. Commissioners are private citizens who must be known adherents to the merit principle. Commissioners are appointed for staggered three-year terms, and may be reappointed upon their showing a continued interest and support of Merit System principles and practices.

Two Commissioners are appointed by the Board of Trustees, two are appointed by the classified employees through their exclusive representative, CSEA (California School Employees Association). The fifth Commissioner is appointed by the other four Commissioners. The Commissioners are responsible for guaranteeing that employment, retention and promotion for all classified employees are based on Merit System principles.

With the advent of collective bargaining in the public educational field, functions performed by personnel commissions take on an added significance. The necessity of objective information and classification decisions unaltered by labor or management pressures, protection of the rights of non-represented employees and an independent body which can hear employee appeals in an impartial manner are all vital to the efficient and economic operations of a school or college district and to the benefit of the general public.

Personnel Commission Meetings

The Commission meets the third Wednesday of every month and operates on a Fiscal Year calendar.

Additional meeting agendas and minutes can be found in Archives.

Our Commissioners

Dr. Joseph P. Metoyer, Jr. is the current Chair of the Personnel Commission, and is an appointee of the District's Board of Trustees. Dr. Metoyer is the pastor/teacher of ACTS - A Church That Studies in Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Metoyer has served as Commissioner at Santa Monica College since 2001 and is actively involved in the community. Board of Trustees appointee (Term expires 11/30/2025)

Joy O. Abbott, Vice Chair of the Personnel Commission is also an appointee of the Board of Trustees. Commissioner Abbott has over three decades of experience in the entertainment industry, formerly as Senior Vice President of Distribution at both Paramount Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (retired).  Commissioner Abbott also served for 14 years on the Personnel Board of the City of Santa Monica, most recently as Chairperson.  Board of Trustees appointee (Term expires 11/30/2025)

Deborah Jansen is one of the two CSEA appointees on the Personnel Commission. While employed at SMC for 14 years, Commissioner Jansen worked diligently to preserve and strengthen the Merit System and was a member of many District-wide committees. Now a Principal Human Resources Specialist at Los Angeles Unified School District, she was appointed Commissioner in 2006. CSEA appointee (Term expires 11/30/2025)

Barbara Greenstein is a CSEA appointee on the Personnel Commission. Formerly a Deputy City Attorney at the City of Santa Monica (retired), where she specialized in labor and employment law, she also worked at the Santa Monica Rent Control Board and the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles. Barbara is a strong supporter of collective bargaining and the merit system.  (Term expires 11/30/25)

Lawrence Leone is an appointee of the Personnel Commission. Commissioner Leone is a certified specialist in Family Law and was formerly a partner in the law firm of Trope and Trope. Commissioner Leone served two terms on the Los Angeles County Bar Association of Trustees and is chief legal counsel for Island Outpost, a nonprofit corporation that promotes international science projects and education. He has been a resident of Santa Monica for four decades and is certified in mediation and collaborative law. Personnel Commission appointee (Term expires 11/30/2025)

Annual Report

The Personnel Commission compiles an annual report summarizing actions taking during meetings over the Fiscal Year.

Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report 2020-2021

Annual Report 2019-2020

Annual Report 2018-2019

Annual Report 2017-2018