Web Training

Samples of Assets

Assets are preformatted content that can be added to a page but not edited on the page.

What are Assets?

  • Pre-made, specific content that can go on many pages, like forms and embed codes.
  • More info: OU > Assets

Common Available Assets

Web Content Assets

Below is an asset listing the current annual parking fees for the main campus at SMC:

Cost: $50

Text Assets

This is content placed in a text asset. It cannot be edited unless you go into the Asset and edit it there. Plain text can not be formatted in the asset, (adding bold, italic, etc.) but can be formatted on the page.

Source Code Assets

Source Code Assets are written in code. Use them for special HTML or scripts.

Image Gallery Assets

Image Galleries must be used in conjuncture with the "Gallery with Options" Component.

  • Paris, France
  • Versaille, France
  • Paris

Form Assets

This is "Instructional Text" for a test form. (Test Form #1) add a note about instructions.
Please enter your full name
Please enter a valid email address.
Do you like Pizza?
What Toppings do you like? *
Your favorites.
What kind of Ice Cream do you want?

Common Available Assets

These assets are availble to the website editors, and can be placed on any page of the SMC website. Links point to examples on the SMC website.

Apply Button
Adds a button that floats in the lower right corner of the browser window linking to the application page.

Back to Top Button
For pages with on page anchor links, this button can be added on the page to send visitors back to the top of the page.

Tuition and Fees
The prices on this page are added as assets, so if you want to post a tuition price or fee on your own pages, you can use the asset for the number and if the admission department makes a change, it will automatically be updated on your page too.