Web Style Guide

The SMC Online Events Calendar


This is a guide for how to submit events and how to edit the events on the online SMC Events Calendar.

Visit the Calendar

How to Submit an Event

Please note that the SMC Online Calendar is for SMC Students and the SMC Community only. Your event must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • An event for SMC Students
  • An event by SMC Students
  • An event on an SMC Campus
  • An event sponsored by an SMC Club, Department, or Program

All events must be submitted from an SMC email address.

If you'd like to post staff or faculty only events, please contact the Web and Social Media Office.

Note: Events with physical locations requiring staff support must be approved by Facilities Programming before it can be posted on the calendar.

Submit a Single Event

Event Form

Please prep an image for your event, and include a link to a photo stored/and shared on OneDrive. All submitted images will be cropped at a horizontal 16:9 ratio and sized to 480 x 270 pixels.

Submit Multiple Events

Multiple events can be added to the calendar at the same time. Please use the template below and send to  websocialmedia@smc.edu.

Maintain Your Own Events on the SMC Calendar

Please contact the Web and Social Media Office for access and training.

Editors can review how the back end works by viewing previous training videos.

View Zoom Calendar Training

Add a Calendar Display on Your Webpage


Submit Calendar Feed Form