Equity Resources will be added to this webpage continually.
Video resources
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Creating a Culture of Validation and Belonging |
Creating a Culture of Validation and Employing Sentipensante Pedagogy Rooted in Justice and Equity PRESENTER: Dr. Laura I. Rendón, Professor Emerita, University of Texas-San Antonio DESCRIPTION: Renowned higher education scholar, Dr. Laura Rendón, discusses her groundbreaking work "Sentipensante"(sensing/thinking - pedagogy) about how learning is a combination of rigorous academics and contemplative practices, with social justice emphasis. She will discuss actional steps for validating student experience and supporting student processes in and out of the classroom that foster academic and interpersonal development. TAGS: All employee groups; equity; equity-minded teaching; Pedagogy; student experience; wellness DATE: March 19, 2021 Simple Tools for Disrupting Bias in the Workplace PRESENTERS: LIsa Golden, Ed.D., and Michael Jackmayson, MSW, Peacepros L. A. DESCRIPTION: This workshop, focused on Classified professionals, defines and explores unconscious bias in the workplace, and the presenters then follow with some suggested bias interruptors and techniques. TAGS: Classified; Equity; Wellness DATE: March 22, 2021
Designing your Syllabus |
The Equity-Minded Syllabus(opens in new window) PRESENTERS: Kat Trần Olvey, Briana Brickley and Steph Anderson from the Academic Senate Equity and Diversity Committee. DESCRIPTION: In this workshop, they explored how to transform your syllabus into a tool that promotes equitable outcomes. They offer practical strategies for making your syllabus more inclusive. Through hands-on activities, discussions, and a panel Q&A, participants gain a deeper understanding of how your syllabus can support student success. Rather than slides, the presenters used this website during their presentation. This website has all of the syllabus links included so that you can participate in the activities discussed in the workshop. Use the menu on the left-side of the website to follow along with their presentation. (opens in new window) Note: The recording missed the first few minutes of the workshop where the group norms were established. The recording starts during the definition of terms. The recording was paused during the breakout room syllabus discussion. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; Pedagogy DATE: October 30, 2024 |
Universal Course Design |
Equity-minded & UDL Strategies PRESENTERS: Corinne Hayes and Elena Throckmorton, High Tech Training Center (DSPS) DESCRIPTION: An interactive workshop introducing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how to implement UDL strategies in an online course. The perspective is for neurodivergent students, but the presenters discuss how UDL is an equity-minded strategy for all students. TAGS: Faculty; Distance Education; Equity-minded teaching; Student Experience DATE: January 19, 2023, as part of the Online Winter Institute
Student Basic Needs |
Transforming College Student Basic Needs: Micro to Macro Level Training PRESENTER: Ruben Canedo, Co-Chair of UC Systemwide Basic Needs Committee; facilitator, trainer, public speaker DESCRIPTION: Interactive workshop about supporting ourselves and our students, basic needs, transformative justice and practicing emergent strategies centered in love and wisdom. TAGS: All employee groups; Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-2023; Equity; Wellness; First Friday DATE: October 7, 2022 Ways to Connect Students to Basic Needs: Parts 1 and 2 PRESENTERS: Sally Calderon, MSW, Basic Needs Counselor; Susan Fila, Ph.D., LCSW, Interim Associate Dean of Health and Wellbeing; Sharlyne Massillion, MSW, Basic Needs Project Manager; Lizzy Moore, Ed.D., Foundation President & Dean of Institutional Advancement; Thaddeus Phillips, MSW, Basic Needs Counselor; Andrew Smith, MSW, Basic Needs Counselor; Silvana Carrion; Drs. Chante DeLoach and Tyffany Dowd; Belen Vaccaro; Janet Robinson; Stacey Jones; and Matthew Williamson DESCRIPTION: This two-part workshop will provide a valuable understanding of the newly developed basic needs "ecosystem" available for all students. The discourse will include a top-line overview of the state legislation naming basic needs, data supporting the impact on basic needs, and a clear road map to all of the basic needs intersections and resources employees can direct students to. TAGS: Basic Needs: PD Theme 2022-2023; All employee groups DATE: August 24, 2022 |
Mental Health |
Mindfulness: Training the Mind to Stay in the Present PRESENTER: Dr. Alison Brown, Coordinator, Center for Wellness and Wellbeing DESCRIPTION: How can we learn to stay present? By embracing mindfulness. Becoming more aware and rooted in the present moment can help us deal with so many of life’s challenges. Mindfulness is the act of being fully in the present moment. Your mind is not in the past nor is it in the future. It is right here, right now. Alison Brown will take us through a mindfulness routine to help us stay rooted in the present and to help build a little bit more calm in our days. TAGS: All employee groups; wellness DATE: August 26, 2021 Student Distress, Faculty Response, What to Do? PRESENTERS: Alison Brown, Ph.D, Center for Wellness and Wellbeing Coordinator; Shelley Pearce, MS, LMFT, Center for Students with Disabilities Therapist; and Leticia Montoya, MA, Center for Students with Disabilities Academic Counselor DESCRIPTION: Interactive session about how to support, manage, or refer students who are experiencing emotional dysregulation on campus. Faculty and staff learn optimizing practices for dealing with challenging student behavior or scenarios. Managing Grief and Loss in Our Lives PRESENTER: Dr. Emily Hernandez, LMFT, EASE DESCRIPTION: This presentation shares key terms around grief and loss, including myths, symptoms, and stages of grief, as well as how to deal with grief and loss and find support. TAGS: All employee groups; Wellness DATE: February 16, 2022 |
Working at SMC, Hiring and on the Job Practices |
Equitable and Effective Hiring Practices PRESENTER: Dr. Vicenta Arrizon, counselor DESCRIPTION: In this webinar, Dr. Arrizon shares what we can each do to take action to promote equity in the faculty search process, and helps us understand the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Multiple Methods for EEO that call for a new approach for recruitment, hiring, evaluation and the tenure review process. TAGS: Faculty; Management; Equity; First Friday DATE: December 2, 2022
OER - Zero Cost Textbooks |
Expensive Textbook to ZTC to OER–What Art History Learned in the Process PRESENTERS: Walter Meyer, Briana Simmons, Nate Donahue, Art History DESCRIPTION: Our colleagues share their collective experience transitioning from traditional textbooks through zero-textbook costs to OER adoption in the Art History department. They share what motivated the changes and how they have modified their course content, including course outlines of record, to create more equitable and engaging classes. TAGS: Faculty; Distance Education; Pedagogy; Equity DATE: August 19, 2020 NOTE: There is a prompt re: accessing an external recording BEFORE linking to the video. User must click OK first. |
NSF Grant STEM Faculty Equity Presentations |
NSF Grant: Fostering an Equity-Minded Student Success Culture Through Faculty Development PRESENTERS: Ciarán Brewster, Silvana Carrion-Palomares, Tram Dang, Kristin Lui-Martinez, Sonja Montas-Hunter DESCRIPTION: This presentation will give an overview of our National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM equity grant focusing on our progress to date and future goals. We will talk about how our STEM faculty have elevated their equity practices through professional development that includes consultations with leaders in the field of student equity and success, as well as attending student-equity focused conferences. We will discuss some of the things we have learned and examples of high-impact practices our faculty are already implementing in their classes. We will outline our design for coaching and modeling equity. Dr. Montas-Hunter, Program Officer at the NSF, will discuss grant and conference opportunities that are open to those in STEM and Social Science fields. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; pedagogy; equity DATE: March 19, 2021 NSF Implementing Equity Practices PRESENTERS: Andria Denmon, Chris Grant, Jing Liu, Silvana Carrion-Palomares DESCRIPTION: STEM Faculty within the “NSF Grant: Fostering an Equity-minded Student Success Culture in STEM Through Faculty Development” have completed a yearlong training in equity, and now are focused on adopting equity practices in their courses. This workshop will review some of the practices they plan on implementing and how they will utilize them in their Fall STEM courses. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; pedagogy; equity DATE: August 26, 2021
Supporting Students with a Disability |
I'm a College Student with a Disability. Stop Treating Me Like a Child. PRESENTERS: Eric Oifer, ADA 504 Compliance Officer and professor of political science; Reginald (Reggie) Dunn, a current SMC student; and Ojen Shammasian, a former SMC student and IxD graduate from SMC DESCRIPTION: This interactive workshop and panel discussion begins with viewing the short film I’m a College Student with a Disability–Stop Treating Me Like a Child. "In this film by Samuel Habib, 21, and his father, Samuel seeks out guidance from America’s most rebellious disability activists. Because of his disability, 21-year-old Samuel Habib finds that people underestimate him. In this film, he seeks to chart how adults with disabilities build full lives — as a roadmap for himself and others.” The panelists then discuss the film and its implications for educating and supporting our students with disabilities. TAGS: All employee groups; Student Experience; Basic Needs: PD Theme for 2022-2023; First Friday DATE: November 4, 2022 |
Self-Care and Work-Live Balance |
New Faculty Workshop: What Balance? Avoiding Work-Life Balance Traps PRESENTERS: Dr. Amanda L. Sullivan, University of Minnesota Department of Education Psychology and Dr. Miranda Kucera, University of Washington-Tacoma DESCRIPTION: Our guest presenters will describe the institutional and interpersonal realities and challenges that influence academics’ professional and personal effectiveness and wellness. New faculty will also have the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of balance for them, share resources and successes, and explore how to build and leverage community to support long-term success and wellbeing. TAGS: Faculty; all employee groups; New Faculty Institute; Wellness DATE: March 15, 2022 Balanced Adult Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Other Adults PRESENTER: Alison Brown, Center for Wellness and Wellbeing DESCRIPTION: This workshop focuses on Prescott’s Model of Dynamic Caregiving as well as mindful self-compassion–definition and practices. TAGS: All employee groups; Wellness DATE: May 18, 2021 |
Supporting our Student Veterans |
PRESENTER: Kevin Benitez, Program Leader, Veterans Success Center, Combat Veteran in United States Army from 2000 – 2005 DESCRIPTION: This session is for faculty and classified professionals serving our nation's veterans who seek to learn about the needs and concerns of military service members, veterans and their families. This is an introduction session to a later Vet Net Ally seminar. TAGS: All employee groups; Student Experience DATE: March 15, 2022 |
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National Equity Project |
Podcasts Featuring the National Equity Project From their website: “The National Equity Project (NEP) is a U.S. based national nonprofit organization. Since 1995, NEP has supported 100,000+ leaders in 1200+ schools, districts, state/federal education agencies and foundations to create conditions for youth thriving. We have impacted the learning environments of over 10 million young people. Our mission is to develop leaders to transform the experiences, outcomes, and life options for children and families who have been historically underserved by our institutions and systems." PRESENTER: Varies by episode. DESCRIPTION: This podcast is a series of conversations around resources & frameworks for building equity in the classroom. TAG(S): Faculty; pedagogy; equity-minded teaching DATE: 2018-present |
Other resources
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STEM Teaching Materials From “Teaching” blog of the Chronicle |
Reading guide template(opens in new window) PRESENTER: From website: “Dr. Justin Shaffer is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and a Teaching Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering and in Quantitative Biosciences and Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Justin has been a university STEM professor, discipline-based education researcher, and faculty and student mentor since 2012.” DESCRIPTION: STEM teaching materials using evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) TAG(S): Faculty; Pedagogy; equity-minded teaching DATE: 2024