

Equity-minded Professional Innovation Center

About the EpiCenter


The EpiCenter strives to build community and capacity among all employee groups to make SMC a place where everyone belongs and realizes their potential.


The EpiCenter supports the Equity mission of Santa Monica College as well as the Vision for Success through coordination and facilitation of professional learning and growth opportunities for all employee groups that are grounded in the principles of equity-mindedness: race-conscious, action-oriented, institutionally focused, systemically-aware, and evidence-based. By offering a variety of opportunities tailored to the needs of all employees, the EpiCenter strives to be the center of growth, development, and professional excellence for all while also cultivating community and joy in our daily work. 

Read the full EpiCenter Strategic Plan

The EpiCenter Team

The current EpiCenter leads are:

  • Amanda De La Torre - Classified co-lead
  • Erin ONeill - Classified co-lead
  • Dr. Lea Hald - Faculty co-lead
  • Dr. Jessica Krug - Faculty co-lead
  • Silvana Carrion-Palomares - Manager co-lead
  • Dr. Kiersten Elliott - Manager co-lead

EpiCenter support roles:

  • Hannah E. Mock - Administrative Assistant I
  • Abigail Orosz - Professional Development Coordinator
  • Sherri Lee-Lewis - Vice President, Human Resources

The EpiCenter is Santa Monica College's Equity-minded Professional Innovation Center and the Professional Development hub for all employees. It is named for its dynamic role as a force with transformative effects that radiate outward. By advancing our professional skills, we not only enrich ourselves but also create a ripple effect that positively impacts our entire community. 

The vision of the EpiCenter, is to build community and capacity among all employee groups to make SMC a place where everyone belongs and realizes their potential. Research suggests that comprehensive professional development for faculty, classified professionals, and administrators is one tool to help close equity gaps (Condon et al., 2016; Desimone et al., 2002; Elliott & Oliver, 2016; Perez et al., 2012). The EpiCenter also strives to be a tangible demonstration of Santa Monica College's strong commitment to serving our Black and Latinx students, who experience the greatest equity gaps. This plan assumes that all employee groups will be able and encouraged to participate in professional development activities. All employee groups share a commitment to student equity, inclusion, and completion, as well as maintaining currency and building knowledge and skills in their roles. All groups will focus on building equity-mindedness in opportunities designed specifically for their constituencies, and they will come together across the institution when appropriate. By offering a variety of opportunities tailored to the needs of all employees, the EpiCenter strives to be the center of growth, development, and professional excellence for all while also cultivating community and joy in our daily work.