The EpiCenter

Equity Conferences


Conference Funding

SMC's EpiCenter is now sponsoring select SMC employees for up to $750 for equity-focused conferences!

Fill out our EpiCenter Conference Funding request form as early as possible (but no less than 60 days) before your conference.

EpiCenter Equity Conference Funding Request

Braiding funding will be crucial for attendance at conferences. Due to the current fiscal conditions at SMC and for all of us individually, we encourage you to seek partial funding from various places to cover as much of your attendance as possible.

For anyone looking to attend a conference, we are asking you to begin the process of seeking additional fiscal support in various employee Professional Development funds, Union or Association grants and scholarships, and various departmental or program funds or grants. Please see the resources available for corresponding employee groups below.

  • Classified: Human Resources can help with available PD funding. Also visit the CSEA website and select "Grants" to view Member Career Grants and Member Reimbursement Subsidies (sign in required)

  • Faculty: Inquire with HR or the Professional Development Committee for information about Professional Development funding and resources. The Faculty Association may also be able to offer advice.

  • Managers: Fill out the Manager's Association District Professional Development Application (max $500). In addition, please seek departmental or allowed program funds or grants in your areas or related programs to braid funding to support your attendance.

Questions or suggestions?
Please reach out! Email with questions or input.

Equity-Focused Conferences

The EpiCenter's curated list of annual equity-focused conferences that SMC employees may want to attend.
This is not an exhaustive list. Please email us at if you have other conferences you would like to see included!
We are not promoting or affiliated with these conferences, but want to share resources so you can take advantage of the abundant opportunities to grow and connect in your equity work.