Training Resources

A one-stop-shop for training resources across SMC.

Training resources will be added to this webpage continually.

Access Online Trainings with the Vision Resource Center!

The Vision Resource Center is a portal dedicated to providing the exceptional support needed to meet the goals and commitments of the Vision for Success through the Guided Pathways framework.

  1. Log into the Vision Resource Center website.
  2. Type in your SMC email address and click on Submit.
  3. Click on the blue button labeled "Learner Home"
  4. In the Search for learning bar, type in a specific topic or workshop topic and scroll down to see options suggested for you. If you want to see the basic category search, type the topic category and click Enter on your keyboard.
  5. Click on the title of the training and launch the training.
  6. The next time you login, your profile will save your progress and any trainings you have started or completed.