Pedagogy material will be added to this webpage continually.
The foundation for all resources on this page is equity-minded pedagogy.
Instructional framework resources
Instructional frameworks are structured approaches or models that guide the planning, design, and delivery of teaching and learning experiences. These frameworks are designed to ensure that instruction is equity-focused, effective and responsive to the needs of diverse learners.
Instructional Frameworks | Link & Description |
Instructional Framework for SMC Faculty Observations |
PRESENTER: Compiled by the Equity and Diversity Committee of the Academic Senate, based on work done by the English department. DESCRIPTION: Based on the formal Faculty Observation Form used in evaluations, the framework contextualizes the form material into two major components and uses current pedagogical language to more specifically describe expectations. Additionally, examples across disciplines and modalities further elucidate expectations. TAG(S): pedagogy; equity-minded teaching; faculty; distance education DATE: Spring 2025 |
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Framework with explanations |
PRESENTER: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine DESCRIPTION: “This document introduces the Framework for Equitable and Effective Undergraduate STEM Teaching. The overarching goal of the Framework is to address inequity and facilitate effective teaching through principles that are meant to inform decision making, action, and collaboration among the various individuals and institutions responsible for undergraduate STEM teaching in the United States” (from document) TAG(S): faculty; pedagogy; equity-minded teaching DATE: 2023 |
Video resources
General video topic | link & Description |
ChatGPT/AI Workshops |
ChatGPT in the Classroom: A Revolutionary Tool or a Threat to Academic Integrity? PRESENTERS: Keith Graziadei, ESL faculty, and Lea Hald, Psychology faculty DESCRIPTION: Interactive session that discusses the uses of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in higher education. Topics covered include the benefits and drawbacks of using ChatGPT in the classroom, as well as the potential impact on academic integrity. (Note: This workshop title and portions of the description were created by ChatGPT.) TAGS: Faculty; technology; pedagogy DATE: March 16, 2023
Designing your Syllabus |
PRESENTERS: Kat Trần Olvey, Briana Brickley and Steph Anderson from the Academic Senate Equity and Diversity Committee. DESCRIPTION: In this workshop, they explored how to transform your syllabus into a tool that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). They reviewed DEI fundamentals and the importance of equity-minded approaches, while offering practical strategies for making your syllabus more inclusive. Through hands-on activities, discussions, and a panel Q&A, participants gain a deeper understanding of how your syllabus can support student success. Rather than slides, the presenters used this website during their presentation. This website has all of the syllabus links included so that you can participate in the activities discussed in the workshop. Use the menu on the left-side of the website to follow along with their presentation. (opens in new window) Note: The recording missed the first few minutes of the workshop where the group norms were established. The recording starts during the definition of terms. You can find the Group Norms and full information on DEI Fundamentals and Terms in the links on the left-side panel of the website linked above. The recording was paused during the breakout room syllabus discussion. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; Pedagogy DATE: October 30, 2024 Decolonize the Curriculum: Achieving Equity by Critically Examining Our Syllabi PRESENTERS: Drs. Shannon Herbert (English) and Lisa Collins (Earth Science) DESCRIPTION: In this workshop, Professors Shannon Herbert (English) and Lisa Collins (Earth Science) describe how they brought a decolonial lens to their courses beginning with their syllabi. This process begins with a critical examination of the way that disciplinary knowledge is constructed. They will share the questions they asked themselves in order to make the invisible assumptions implicit in their disciplines visible and take some questions from the participants. TAGS: Faculty; equity; pedagogy DATE: March 18, 2021 |
Universal Course Design |
Equity-minded & UDL Strategies PRESENTERS: Corinne Hayes and Elena Throckmorton, High Tech Training Center (DSPS) DESCRIPTION: An interactive workshop introducing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how to implement UDL strategies in an online course. The perspective is for neurodivergent students, but the presenters discuss how UDL is an equity-minded strategy for all students. TAGS: Faculty; Distance Education; Equity-minded teaching; Student Experience DATE: January 19, 2023, as part of the Online Winter Institute |
OER - Zero Cost Textbooks |
Expensive Textbook to ZTC to OER–What Art History Learned in the Process PRESENTERS: Walter Meyer, Briana Simmons, Nate Donahue, Art History DESCRIPTION: Our colleagues share their collective experience transitioning from traditional textbooks through zero-textbook costs to OER adoption in the Art History department. They share what motivated the changes and how they have modified their course content, including course outlines of record, to create more equitable and engaging classes. TAGS: Faculty; Distance Education; Pedagogy; Equity DATE: August 19, 2020 NOTE: There is a prompt re: accessing an external recording BEFORE linking to the video. User must click OK first. |
Online Teaching |
PRESENTERS: Kas Meztler, Kinesiology; Gary Huff, ECE; Dr. Susan Finley, Counseling; Dr. Jing Liu, Earth Science; Dr. Odemaris Valdivia, CSIS DESCRIPTION: Faculty presentations of their Canvas shells with an emphasis on course design, assignments and tools grounded in the CVC-OEI rubric. TAGS: Faculty; Distance Education; Pedagogy; Canvas DATE: January 19, 2023, as part of the Online Winter Institute Basic Principles of Online Teaching PRESENTER: Joelle Adams, English professor DESCRIPTION: This workshop focuses on the basic principles of effective, equitable online teaching. Participants will review the core concepts of good practice in distance education and have an opportunity to apply the principles to their own classes. TAGS: Faculty; Canvas; Distance Education; Pedagogy DATE: March 15, 2022 |
Creating a Culture of Validation |
Creating a Culture of Validation and Employing Sentipensante Pedagogy Rooted in Justice and Equity PRESENTER: Dr. Laura I. Rendón, Professor Emerita, University of Texas-San Antonio DESCRIPTION: Renowned higher education scholar, Dr. Laura Rendón, discusses her groundbreaking work "Sentipensante"(sensing/thinking - pedagogy) about how learning is a combination of rigorous academics and contemplative practices, with social justice emphasis. She will discuss actional steps for validating student experience and supporting student processes in and out of the classroom that foster academic and interpersonal development. TAGS: All employee groups; equity; equity-minded teaching; Pedagogy; student experience; wellness DATE: March 19, 2021
Faculty Share Out of Equity-Minded Pedagogy Practices |
Equity in Action Share Out Discussion Panel 1: Outside the Classroom Activities PRESENTERS: Dr. Paul Jimenez, Sharyn Obsatz, Greg Brookins, Walter Meyer, Emily Elam, Nate Donahue; facilitator: Jessica Krug DESCRIPTION: We have amazing faculty! Let's learn from each other. Faculty share and discuss their own equitable practices that have been effective in their classes. Participants will leave with hands-on ideas that they could implement in their own courses. This share out session is broadly defined as practices related to mentoring, counseling, homework, deadlines, assessment and grades, email/Canvas communication, and office hours. TAGS: Faculty; pedagogy; equity; equity-minded teaching DATE: August 26, 2021 Equity in Action Share Out Discussion Panel 2: Inside the Classroom Activities PRESENTERS: Redelia Shaw, Sheila Cordova, Kas Metzler, Jamar London, Briana Simmons, Kevin Chicas, Nichole Blackwell; facilitator: Lea Hald DESCRIPTION: We have amazing faculty! Let's learn from each other. Faculty share and discuss their own equitable practices that have been effective in their classes. Participants will leave with hands-on ideas that they could implement in their own courses. This share out session is broadly defined as practices related to community building, in class assignments, teaching strategies, microaggressions, space for student interests, classroom communication - either for on-ground or online classes. TAGS: Faculty; pedagogy; equity; equity-minded teaching DATE: August 26, 2021 Adjunct Faculty Conversations: Preparing to Teach Full-Time at an Equity-Minded Institution PRESENTERS: Elisa Meyer, Chair of English department, and Erica Onugha, English professor DESCRIPTION: This workshop focuses on what it means to be an equity-minded practitioner at an equity-minded institution, a review of the SMC Equity Plan Framework, and some tools instructors can use to examine and develop their own equity journey. TAGS: Adjunct faculty; Faculty; Equity; Equity-Minded Teaching DATE: November 19, 2020 |
NSF Grant STEM Faculty Equity Presentations |
NSF Grant: Fostering an Equity-Minded Student Success Culture Through Faculty Development PRESENTERS: Ciarán Brewster, Silvana Carrion-Palomares, Tram Dang, Kristin Lui-Martinez, Sonja Montas-Hunter DESCRIPTION: This presentation will give an overview of our National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM equity grant focusing on our progress to date and future goals. We will talk about how our STEM faculty have elevated their equity practices through professional development that includes consultations with leaders in the field of student equity and success, as well as attending student-equity focused conferences. We will discuss some of the things we have learned and examples of high-impact practices our faculty are already implementing in their classes. We will outline our design for coaching and modeling equity. Dr. Montas-Hunter, Program Officer at the NSF, will discuss grant and conference opportunities that are open to those in STEM and Social Science fields. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; pedagogy; equity DATE: March 19, 2021 NSF Implementing Equity Practices PRESENTERS: Andria Denmon, Chris Grant, Jing Liu, Silvana Carrion-Palomares DESCRIPTION: STEM Faculty within the “NSF Grant: Fostering an Equity-minded Student Success Culture in STEM Through Faculty Development” have completed a yearlong training in equity, and now are focused on adopting equity practices in their courses. This workshop will review some of the practices they plan on implementing and how they will utilize them in their Fall STEM courses. TAGS: Faculty; Equity-minded teaching; pedagogy; equity DATE: August 26, 2021 |
Canvas |
Canvas Assignments & Gradebook(opens in new window) PRESENTER: Gerry Clark, CSIS DESCRIPTION: Harness the power of Grades and Assignments in Canvas to make grading easier for you and easier to understand for your students. Explore some of the often-overlooked features of the Canvas Gradebook and Canvas Assignments that can improve your course organization and communication, and will help to facilitate the grading process. TAGS: Faculty; technology; Canvas DATE: April 20, 2022 NOTE: This video is in Canvas, so you must login to Canvas to get access to the video. Canvas Pro Tips(opens in new window) PRESENTER: Gerry Clark, CSIS DESCRIPTION: Work smarter and more efficiently in Canvas, and improve the experience for your students. Topics include: Rich Content Editor, improving communication, and much more. TAGS: Faculty; technology; Canvas DATE: March 18, 2021 NOTE: This video is in Canvas, so you must login to Canvas to get access to the video. Increasing Student Engagement with Pronto-2(opens in new window) PRESENTER: Sydney Dustson, Pronto Customer Service representative DESCRIPTION: Are you in need of a better way to communicate with your students? Learn how to increase student engagement using Pronto, a chat tool integrated right into Canvas. Pronto makes it easy to communicate with your students, allows students to communicate and collaborate with each other, and satisfies our RSI requirements while creating a safe, inclusive, and equitable community for us all. TAGS: Faculty; pedagogy; Canvas DATE: July 19, 2023 NOTE: This video is in Canvas, so you must login to Canvas to get access to the video.
Topic | Link & Description |
Effective practices in teaching and learning
From their website: “This podcast is a series of informal discussions of innovative and effective practices in teaching and learning. This podcast series is hosted by John Kane (an economist) and Rebecca Mushtare (a graphic designer). John and Rebecca run the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at the State University of New York at Oswego.” PRESENTER: John Kane and Rebecca Mushtare, directors of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at SUNY Oswego DESCRIPTION: “This podcast is a series of informal discussion of innovative and effective practices in teaching and learning” (from website) TAG(S): Faculty; pedagogy; equity-minded teaching DATE: 2017-present “Teaching in Higher Ed” podcast From their website: “Hosted by Bonni Stachowiak, professor and dean of teaching and learning at Vanguard University, The Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast airs weekly. The podcast focuses on topics such as excellence in teaching, instructional design, open education, diversity and inclusion, productivity, creativity in teaching, educational technology, and blended learning.” PRESENTER: Bonni Stachowiak, professor and dean of teaching and learning at Vanguard University DESCRIPTION: “The podcast focuses on topics such as excellence in teaching, instructional design, open education, diversity and inclusion, productivity, creativity in teaching, educational technology, and blended learning.” TAG(S): Faculty; pedagogy; equity-minded teaching; distance education DATE: 2014-present |
Other resources
Topic | Link & Description |
STEM Teaching Materials From “Teaching” blog of the Chronicle |
PRESENTER: From website: “Dr. Justin Shaffer is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and a Teaching Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering and in Quantitative Biosciences and Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Justin has been a university STEM professor, discipline-based education researcher, and faculty and student mentor since 2012.” DESCRIPTION: STEM teaching materials using evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs) TAG(S): Faculty; Pedagogy; equity-minded teaching DATE: 2024 |
Grading |
PRESENTER: Josh Eyler, Director of CTL at University of Mississippi DESCRIPTION: In this interview about his new book Failing Our Future: How Grades Harm Students and What We Can Do About It, Dr. Eyler makes the case against traditional grades and instead proposes alternative grading practices. TAG(S): equity-minded teaching; pedagogy; faculty DATE: August 27, 2024 |
Building community in the classroom - activities |
PRESENTER: Dr. Eugene Korsunsky, Associate Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth College DESCRIPTION: Based on the premise that students who are having the most fun are doing the best work–which is an idea supported by research–Dr. Korsunsky developed several activities, ranging from a few minutes to an hour, that will help spark joy in any learning environment. TAGS: Faculty; pedagogy DATE: 2024-2025 |
Canvas |
Infographic and Roadmap PRESENTER: Distance Education Department at SMC DESCRIPTION: To help instructors find the support they need in online teaching development in Canvas, DE has created the above infographic and roadmap with existing resources and how to access them. TAG(S): faculty; pedagogy; distance education DATE: 2025 |
The EpiCenter's In-house Library Resources
Below you will find links to various articles on the topic of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Articles are listed by title, in the order, they were published.
Please report issues or broken links to
- "Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity" by Kimberly D. Tanner, Department of Biology, San Francisco State University - CBE - Life Sciences Education, Vol. 12
- "Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom" from Vanderbilt University's Center for Teaching