New Employee Onboarding

Onboarding Toolkit for Managers


10 Step Roadmap Graphic

New hires will journey along this 10-step roadmap as they progress through the various stages of the onboarding life cycle.


Step 1

SMC confirms the offer of employment.  The immediate Supervisor reaches out to welcome the new hire, answers questions and outlines next steps.  A great opportunity for the Supervisor to share a link to the video “Proud to Be SMC

Step 2

Department of Human Resources reaches out to the new hire to complete all necessary paperwork prior to the start date.

Step 3

Immediate Supervisor will share the Pre-Boarding Welcome Video Link with their new employee:

SMC Preboarding Video

Step 4

Live Webinar, provides an overview of SMC, participants meet other new hires and interact with one of the SMC HR Ambassadors who will be able to answer questions the cohort may have.  This live webinar will be coordinated by the Department of Human Resources and take place within the first month of a new hire coming onboard.

Step 5

The employee takes a deeper dive to learn more about SMC and to understand the culture, by becoming acquainted with important policies, procedures, bargaining agreements, and connecting with campus partners.

Step 6

Department Know-How.  The employee learns about roles and responsibilities within their own department.   Each department will provide their new hire with their Departmental Guidebook.   The Guidebook will share that department's mission, vision and values, introduce the employee to key personnel and their functions, essential documents, dates and deadlines to help integrate the new hire into their new department.

Step 7

Assign a Departmental Buddy – The immediate supervisor will assign a Departmental Buddy to help the new hire become acclimated to their department and their role.  The Buddy is a valuable resource, who can offer insights into departmental culture, help foster relationships within the organization, while at the same time helping new employees feel welcome and supported.

Step 8

Ongoing Support – 1:1 Development Sessions will take place within the first 30, 60 and 90 days of employment.  The immediate Supervisor will schedule these sessions and can utilize the Development Sessions Manager’s Guide to help tailor each conversation to the employee’s specific needs, circumstances and the timeframe in which those conversations are taking place.   Supervisors also have access to tools and templates to help their employees create smart targets and smart goals.

Step 9

The Department of Human Resources provides the probationary evaluation dates to the immediate Supervisor.   It is the Supervisor’s responsibility to provide notice and schedule the evaluation meetings with the employee in time for the 2nd, 4th and 6th month evaluations, as required under the provisions of the CSEA. Evaluations are conducted by the immediate Supervisor.

Step 10

Employees are directed to the EpiCenter to help them find growth opportunities and continue their professional development. 

Training Resources

One of the critical components of a successful onboarding process is providing effective and relevant training.  There are numerous resources available to ensure all employees develop the necessary skills to be successful in their roles.  Both Keenan Safe Colleges as well as Vision Resource Center offer an array of professional development and skill building options.  However, don’t underestimate the importance of one-to-one training and coaching. Setting aside time to meet with your new hire, especially within the first 30, 60 and 90 days, and providing one-to-one training will help you establish a positive relationship with your new hire and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in their new role.

Whatever training methods you choose, be sure to utilize the New Assignment Training Plan, a valuable tool designed specifically to help Managers document and lay the foundations for the roadmap to success.

Download New Assignment Training Plan

Skills Building Program for New Managers

The following is a series of training sessions designed to hone the skills of any new manager.  Topics include supervisor fundamentals, leading with compassion, motivating your team, recognizing implicit bias, exploring different communication styles, and the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring practices. 

The following series is required training for all new managers and the courses linked below should be completed within a six week time-frame. 

Log into the Vision Resource Center Portal, using your credentials, in order to access the content below: SMC Vision Resource Center Portal

Vision Resource Center Content:

New Supervisor Fundamentals (1 hour, 7 minutes)

Compassionate leadership (53 minutes)

Creating a Culture of Motivation at Work (10 minutes)

Use this link to log into Keenan in order to access the content below:  Keenan Safe Colleges Login

Keenan Content:

Implicit Bias and Microaggression Awareness (23 minutes)

Communication Styles and Skills (11 Minutes)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Considerations in the Hiring Process (66 minutes)

Onboarding Checklist

A new hire Onboarding Checklist helps Managers prepare for the arrival of their new employee and ensures that all crucial steps are taken at the appropriate time. Use the Onboarding Checklist and feel free to modify it as necessary.

Download New Hire Checklist