CSEA-Chapter 36



Be the voice of CSEA. Represent our members. Be active in the process.

If you are interested in getting involved, please consider joining a committee!

Committee appointments are made by the Chapter President, ratified by the Executive Board, and run from January 1 to December 31 of each year. You must be a Chapter Member in good standing to serve on a committee. Each committee establishes its own meeting schedule. Please click on each committee name that is hyperlinked for more information.

Sign up here: 2024 Committee Volunteer Form

Potential members may become Chapter 36 Members by signing up online at the CSEA website or by emailing chapter36@smc.edu.

Chapter 36 Committees

The following committees are defined by our Chapter Constitution and By-laws to do the work of the Chapter. The time commitment for meetings is outside of work time, and members are unpaid volunteers. Release time is offered to members to be released from their duties while doing committee work, depending on committee needs, and then approved by the CSEA executive board. If you would like to get more information and join a committee, please email chapter36@smc.edu

Committee Job Descriptions Meeting Frequency


Audit Committee - It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Receive and audit the books and records of the Treasurer immediately after the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as may be directed by the President. (2) Furthermore a Representative from the committee is to report its findings to the Chapter membership.

Only meets Feb/March


Benefits Committee: The role of the committee is to contain the District's health benefits program while maintaining the quality of the benefits available to the employees, retirees, and eligible dependents.



Certification Committee -  It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Certify that all who submit letters of intent to run or who are nominated from the floor for Executive Board office are eligible members in good standing. (2) Review the official treasurer’s record to determine eligibility as defined in member in good standing.  (3) Submit certification at the November Chapter meeting.

Aug-Nov Only



Year Round


Elections Committee - It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Supervise and assist in the preparation, distribution, and counting of the ballots in all elections (including contract ratifications) within the Chapter, and certify the results to the Chapter President. (2) Ensure that election procedures are in accordance with applicable provisions of the Association's Constitution & Bylaws and Policy, and the Constitution. (3) Recommend to the Executive Board, for their ratification, a list of 5 Active members in good standing to act as tellers.

Meets July-December


Fundraising Committee - It shall be the duty of this committee to conduct the Chapter’s fundraising programs.



Grievance Committee - It shall be the duty of the Grievance Committee to supervise and assist the  operation of the Chapter's Union Steward program. The committee shall ensure that all grievances are handled properly in their investigation and filing, and consistent in their resolution. The committee shall be empowered to review proposed settlements of grievances undertaken by individual members of the bargaining unit to ensure they are consistent with the contract. The committee shall review all grievances being considered for arbitration and file a report with the Executive Board.

Year Round

Hiring Watch

Hiring Watch Committee - It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Strive to attend all meetings of the Personnel Commission and Board of Trustees. (2) Regularly scrutinize District documents (e.g., Board of Trustee and Personnel Commission meeting minutes, agendas, SMC budget, DPAC and Budget Committee minutes) for deletions/additions to classified hiring lists. (3) Regularly scrutinize District documents for contracting out of classified work.  (4) Research and suggest language to justify retaining/re-instating dropped classified positions.



Membership Committee:  It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Strive for 100% CSEA membership and attendance. (2) Prepare and execute a program designed to secure new members. (3) Prepare and execute a program designed to stimulate attendance at the regular Chapter meetings.


Merit Board/Rules Review

Merit Board/Rules Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Strive to attend all meetings of the Personnel Commission and Board of Trustees. (2) Regularly scrutinize agenda and minutes of Personnel Commission and Board of Trustees meetings for rule or policy changes that would affect the terms and conditions of employment for the membership. (3) Inform Negotiating Team, Grievance Committee, and the Executive Board of Merit Rule or Board Policy changes.  (4) Suggest possible changes to the Merit Rules, Board Policy, or Administrative Regulations to the Executive Board.


Political Action

Political Action Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Keep the members informed about the legislative program of the Association. (2) May recommend to the Chapter membership legislative proposals it deems desirable for submission to the Association's annual conference or to the Association’s Board of Directors for consideration and inclusion in the Association's  legislative program. (3) Develop and implement a Chapter alert system (telephone tree) designed for emergency contact of the membership when immediate Chapter action is necessary on contract matters, legislative and political issues, and other items of importance to the Association and Chapter. (4) Keep abreast of political activities affecting the Chapter and the Association as it relates to school board elections, appropriate state assembly and senate districts, support of candidates for statewide offices, support or opposition of initiatives and propositions.  (5) Render regular reports at Chapter meetings, and recommend any political action or activity it considers appropriate; submit such recommendations as may be approved to PACE of CSEA. (6) Work cooperatively with the Political Action Coordinator (PAC),  appropriate Association standing committees in furtherance of the Association’s  legislative and political goals.  (7) Recruit Victory Club membership and education the Chapter members of the necessity for active participation in the political process, especially for gubernatorial, school board, and local assembly/senate district elections.

Year Round


Publicity Committee: Publicity Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Assist the Communications Officer with all duties. (2) Develop, implement, and sustain a coordinated Communications program. (3) Improve the membership’s knowledge of Chapter goals, objectives, and activities by developing better communications and information distribution systems.


Research & Negotiations

Research & Negotiations Committee:  It shall be the duty of this committee to support the Negotiating Team.



Resolutions Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare resolutions for the Association’s Annual Conference.



Safety Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to:(1) Gather input from membership on safety issues. (2) Keep membership informed of new safety issues through official Chapter publications.



Scholarship Committee:  It shall be the duty of this committee to provide information to the membership, through Chapter newsletter and/or bulletins/flyers and functions; about financial assistance available to members and their dependents.

Year Round


Social/Hospitality Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Coordinate events and activities for Classified School Employee Week (CSEW). (2) Build unity and friendship among the membership through social events, gatherings, and activities.  (3) Coordinate CSEA social clubs.  (4) Send appropriate cards/messages to members during personal or special occasions.


Technology Maintenance

Technology Maintenance Committee:  It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Research and review new technologies for efficient Chapter communications. (2) Maintain CSEA website and other mediums of electronic communication for the Chapter.


Joint Committees with the District

The following committees are part of the participatory shared governance at SMC and your time commitment for meetings is considered District work time. If you are appointed to a shared governance committee, you are the exclusive representative for Classified Professionals. You have voting rights on the committee, and for every hour you attend a meeting, you may use an additional hour of release time to prepare and plan.  

Committee  Job Descriptions Meeting Frequency
Classified Professional Development Classified Professional Development: The mission of the Classified Professional Development Committee is to offer training, education, professional and personal growth for Santa Monica College classified employees. TBD
Health Benefits Benefits Committee: The role of the committee is to contain the District's health benefits program while maintaining the quality of the benefits available to the employees, retirees, and eligible dependents. TBD
Emergency Preparedness The Emergency Preparedness Task Force is to review the emergency preparedness policies and procedures for Santa Monica College and to make recommendations in the areas of: A. Access to Information (Webpage and Monthly Updates) B. Addressing feedback and concerns from the college community C. Roles for Disaster Services Workers (What is Your Role) D. Education of Students E. Trainings and Simulations TBD
Safety Safety Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to: (1) Gather input from membership on safety issues. (2) Keep membership informed of new safety issues through official Chapter publications. The safety and health committee shall advise and recommend to the District improvements and/or maintenance of the safety and health conditions for members of the bargaining unit. The safety and health committee shall meet at least six times each year. Minutes of all meetings and reports issued from these committees shall be distributed to committee representatives and the CSEA President. In addition, a notebook of all such minutes and reports shall be maintained in the Office of the Risk Manager and shall be available for inspection to all who request to see them. 3rd Wednesday of Every Month
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Advisory Committee  Acts as an advisory body to the Vice-President, Human Resources and the District to promote understanding and support of EEO policies and procedures.  TBD

District Planning and Advisory Council (DPAC) and its Subcommittees

The number of seats on each of the District Planning committees is equally distributed among all constituencies: classified professionals, faculty, students and management. As the exclusive representative, CSEA is the appointing authority for classified non-management seats.

The following committees are part of the participatory shred governance process. The time commitment for meetings is considered District work time. Participants are on the clock.

Committee Job Descriptions Meeting Frequency


DPAC is the College’s primary planning body and coordinates institutional planning. It is the responsibility of DPAC to develop the annual Master Plan for Education Update and oversee the long-term planning efforts of reviewing the Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals, assessing the College’s planning process, and developing new Strategic Initiatives every five years.

2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month
Budget Planning Subcommittee Duties of the Budget Planning Subcommittee: (1)Have recommending authority on budget matters to the District Planning and Advisory Council. (2) Review, in a timely manner, tentative, quarterly and final budgets for consistency with annual institutional goals and objectives, strategic institutional plans, and the college vision, mission, goals, and master plans, and forward recommendations to the District Planning and Advisory Council (3) Review the annual budget and make recommendations to DPAC for short- and long-term budget planning strategies. (3) Review institutional expenditure practices, policies, and categories-not specific budget items-for consistency and compliance with the college vision, mission, goals, strategic initiatives and master plans and federal and state laws. (4) As part of the budget planning process, regularly explore practices that can reduce college expenditures or enhance college revenue. (5) Participate in the Master Planning process. 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month
Facilities Subcommittee Duties of the Facilities Planning Subcommittee: (1) Participate in the process for the preparation of various District facilities related documents, such as the facilities section of the Master Plan for Education, the Facilities Master Plan, and the Five-Year Construction Plan submitted to the Chancellor's Office. (2)Factor, into planning, the impact of local funds available, state funding criteria, space allocation formulas, facility utilization standards, capacity/load ratios, enrollment forecasts, and the inventory of existing facilities. (3)Review the documents used in facilities planning. (4) Evaluate the effectiveness of funding/staffing for facilities, including new construction, remodels, maintenance, grounds, and campus operations. 2nd & 4th Thursday of selected months
Human Resources Subcommittee Duties of the Human Resources Planning Subcommittee: (1) Review data and practices as they relate to staffing needs, recruitment, hiring, and retention of employees so to inform human resources planning. (2) Monitor trends in equity and diversity in order to include findings in human resources discussions. (3) Review mandated training requirements and their delivery and effectiveness. (4)Review Board Policies and Administrative Regulations pertaining to all faculty and classified staff. 4thTuesday of the month
Technology Planning Subcommittee (TPC) Duties of Technology Planning Subcommittee: (1) Develop the annual Master Plan for Technology for submission to the District Planning and Advisory Council. (2) Review technology planning issues respective to Budget, Human Resources, Facilities, Student Services, and Instruction. (3) Focus on technology integration and communication with other college planning areas. (4) Recommend campus-wide technology solutions and provide ongoing support for the maintenance of the Master Plan for Technology. 3rd Friday of the month

Joint Committees with the Personnel Commission

This is an ad hoc committee established by the Personnel Commission to review and update the SMC Merit Rules. Commitment for meetings is considered District work time.


Job Descriptions

Meeting Frequency       

Merit Rules

Merit Rules Advisory Committee: A committee consisting of stakeholders dedicated to keeping the Merit Rules of Santa Monica College current and equitable.

1st Wednesday of the Month 

Task Force

Committee Job Descriptions  Meeting Frequency
Sustainable Transportation Sustainable Transportation Committee:  Goal 1: Increase the use of bikes as a clean and healthy method of transportation by making biking a safe, secure and convenient option at SMC. Goal 2: Increase SMC's average vehicle ridership to 1.5 to qualify for AQMD subsidy. Goal 3: Plan for shuttle services to connect with the new Expo line and resulting commercial/retail development. Goal 4: Increase pedestrian accessibility to and from campus. Goal 5: Increase SMC commuter use of bus transit. Goal 6: Increase the use of alternative fuel vehicles in the SMC vehicle fleet. Goal 7: Continue to provide incentives for motorcycle use. Goal 8: Improve communications and accountability, both internally and externally, with regard to sustainable transportation. 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month

Other Representation Opportunities

The time commitment for meetings is considered District work time.

Committee Job Descriptions Meeting Frequency
Honor Council Honor Council: The purpose of the Honor Council is to promote academic integrity at Santa Monica College and to oversee the Honor Code.  We do this through education, consultation, and by ensuring that students' right to due process is observed. TBD
Student Conduct Appeals Student Conduct Appeals Committee and Procedures: (1) The committee is established to hear appeals of students regarding decisions made by the College Disciplinarian. Specifically, the committee will hear appeals concerning disciplinary action involving removal from extra-curricular activities, suspensions, and expulsions. TBD