Curriculum Committee

Members 2024-2025



Representative Name Department(s) Represented

Term (expires end of Spring) PHONE EXTENSION

Redelia Shaw

Curriculum Chair Appointed 1-year term x8910
Dione Hodges Administrator: Academic Affairs - Vice Chair Ongoing x4858
Jason Beardsley Administrator: Academic Affairs Ongoing x8054
Mary Bober Earth Science/Life Science/Physical Science 2022-2025 x3140
Fariba Bolandhemat CSIS 2023-2026 x4372
Walter Butler Administrator: Library Ongoing x4692
Susan Caggiano English 2023-2026


Javier Cambron Design Technology 2022-2025


Jihyeon Cha ESL/Modern Languages Spring 2025


Evelyn Chantani Librarian (non-voting) Ongoing


Susan Fila Administrator: Health and Wellbeing Ongoing


Rachel Demski Curriculum Specialist (non-voting) Ongoing


Christina Gabler History/Philosophy & Social Sciences 2022-2025 x8871
Walker Griffy At-Large Member Appointed 1-year term x4166
Aileen Huang Business 2022-2025 x3483
Sharlene Joachim ECE/Psychology 2023-2026 x3458
Jesus Lopez Mathematics 2023-2025 x8065
Jacqueline Monge Cosmetology/Photo/Fashion 2022-2025 x8606
Estela Narrie Articulation Officer Appointed 1-year term x8557
Kevin Roberts Earth Science/Life Science/Physical Science 2024-2027 x3520
Scott Silverman Administrator: Noncredit Ongoing x4370
Bobby Simmons Communication & Media Studies 2023-2026 x8881
Briana Simmons Art/Dance/Music/Theatre Arts 2023-2026 x8272
Lydia Strong KIN PE/Health Science 2021-2024 x3559
Audra Wells Counseling 2022-2025 x4930
TBD Associated Students Representative 1-year term