Scope and Functions
As detailed in the Academic Senate Constitution and By-Laws and in Board Policy and in compliance with Title 5 (Section 51022a) and the Education Code Section 78016, include the following:
To review and recommend to the Academic Senate action on existing and proposed curricula, courses, prerequisites, corequisites, advisories and programs;
To encourage and recommend development of new curricula and courses;
To assist faculty in preparing curricular proposals to meet Title 5 and matriculation mandates and district goals and objectives as stated in the college's mission;
To disseminate curricular information and recommendations to the department chairs and the Academic Senate;
To implement appropriate state-mandated regulations or policies that affect curriculum;
To recommend to the Academic Senate additions, deletions, and modifications in general education patterns for the Associate in Arts (AA) degree, the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC), and Occupational Certificate Requirements;
To recommend to the Academic Senate proposals to implement curriculum transformation;
To ensure that the Santa Monica College Catalog contains only those courses offered on a regular basis;
To request, consider, and respond to reports from various Academic Senate committees and college groups that have a direct bearing on matters of curriculum;
To help assure that the curriculum at Santa Monica College supports the college's mission, supports its goals, and meets the needs of its students; and
To perform other duties assigned by the Academic Senate president with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Proposed credit courses
Proposed changes in courses, which may include but are not limited to:
Prerequisites, corequisites and advisories,
Catalog description,
Course outline (e.g., course transformation for diversity),
Lecture/lab hours,
Number of units,
Alternative delivery;
Proposed programs (including transfer, Associate in Arts, certificate and other programs);
Suggestions for deletion of courses;
Requests for courses to be included in or deleted from Cal-GETC, and the AA degree pattern.
Requests for changes to or inclusion on the Disciplines List;
Determination of repeatability of courses according to Title 5 standards;