There is usually little or no warning for a terrorist incident. An individual must use his/her own discretion during a terrorist incident as to how to respond. However, best practices for a terrorist incident are listed below:
At all times
Be aware of your surroundings.
Note suspicious items, packages, or vehicles that seem out of place and report them to the appropriate authorities.
Note suspicious activities or behaviors and report them to the appropriate authorities.
Potential targets recognized by the U.S. Government
Airports, seaports, and harbors
Major cities or landmarks
Large crowds
Infrastructure such as power plants, transportation centers, or communication centers
Business and industrial centers such as Wall Street or a World Trade Center
Types of terrorist attacks
Explosive devices cause detonations which throw debris into the air and start fires. Explosive devices can be left in place and detonated remotely or carried by a vehicle or even an individual. Explosive devices are used in most terrorist attacks.
Biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins typically make people sick.
Chemical agents are toxic to people, plants, or animals, and are found in the form of solids, liquids, vapors, or aerosols.
Radioactive attacks include nuclear explosions and “dirty bombs.” A “dirty bomb” is designed to spread radioactive material over a region.
Protective measures to implement following a terrorist incident
Distance yourself from the location of the incident and seek shelter as soon as possible.
Follow instructions from College Police or public agency personnel.
If exposed to a chemical agent or if you have trouble breathing, use your clothing as a simple filter by covering your face and breathing through your clothing.
If exposed to a chemical, biological, or radioactive agent, change out of any contaminated clothing, shower, put on clean clothing, and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Seek medical attention as soon as possible for any injuries, if you have trouble breathing, or believe you were exposed to a contaminating agent.
Suspicious Packages & Bomb Threats
The information in this guide helps with identifying suspicious packages, devices and responding to bomb threat telephone calls. If you have identified a situation that you believe requires police intervention, please call the SMC PD Dispatch Center at 310-434-4300 or use your LiveSafe Safety App if there is an immediate threat. The dispatcher will ask you a series of questions to better understand the concern and relay it to the appropriate responders. Note: All calls are prioritized based on the information provided and the perceived threat to the public.
Suspicious Packages or Devices/Packages may have the following characteristics:
- Foreign mail, air mail, and/or special delivery
- Excessive postage (usually in stamps instead of an official postal strip)
- An unofficial return address or no return address
- Hand written or poorly typed address
- Addressed to incorrect title, but no name
- Restrictive markings such as, "Confidential" or "Personal"
- Misspellings of common words
- Oily stains, discoloration, or a strange odor
- Excessive weight
- Rigid envelop
- Envelop with more than ordinary thickness (1/8" or more)
- Lopsided or uneven envelope
- Protruding wires or tinfoil
- Excessive securing material (tape, etc.)
- Visual distractions (excessive graphics on the envelope/package
If you see someone leaving a package fitting the above descriptions, call SMCPD immediately with a description of the individual and, if known, their direction of travel.
If a Suspicious Device/Package is Found:
- Do not handle it unnecessarily.
- If you have not already touched it, do not touch it.
- If you have already touched it, gently place the envelope or package in a stationary position near where you first picked it up.
- Call SMCPD immediately: 310-434-4300 or local police, 9-1-1.
- Secure the location. Make sure no one moves the package.
- Follow the procedures for bomb threats below.
What to do if you receive a bomb threat:
- Immediately notify SMCPD's Dispatch, giving your name and all information you have about the threat.
- SMCPD will assist the appropriate staff to determine if the building should be searched and/or evacuated.
If a suspected bomb is located:
- Notify SMCPD's Dispatch Center.
- Isolate the area.
- Be prepared to evacuate when instructed to do so.
Bomb Threat Form
(To be completed if you receive a bomb threat phone call)