Emergency Preparedness

Personal Preparedness


Consider These Things Before a Disaster

  • Find out where the nearest two or three shelters are likely to be located.

  • Discuss your planning with friends/roommates/local family members.

  • Identify alternate meeting places in case of separation.

  • Establish a contact person from outside California.

  • Make sure all family members carry the telephone number of the contact and understand the importance of checking with that person if the family is separated during a disaster.

  • Alert family members outside the area of your plans.

  • Make arrangements for special needs.

  • Store sufficient personal survival supplies (see suggested list below).

  • Store supplies to sustain you during relocation (see suggested list below).

Suggested Personal Survival Supplies for your Vehicle

  • Food and water for up to three days.

  • Blankets

  • First Aid Kit

  • Flashlight and batteries

  • A change of clothes

  • Comfortable walking shoes

Suggested Items for Relocation

  • Bedding

  • Flashlights

  • Batteries

  • Games, books

  • Medications

  • Special dietary foods

  • Valuable papers

  • Treasured photographs

  • Telephone lists

  • Photo ID with home address

  • Pens and paper

  • Personal hygiene supplies (e.g., toothbrush, soap, contact lens solution, sunscreen)

  • Change of clothes

  • Comfortable walking shoes

Do NOT Bring to Relocation Shelter

  • Candles

  • Heating devices

  • Beds or furniture

After a Disaster

  • Locate any missing friend/roommate/family member.

  • Advise out-of-area contact of your status.

  • Use safety glasses, leather gloves, etc., when working.

  • Exercise extreme caution when entering damaged buildings.

  • Exercise extreme care with fire.

  • Do not ignite matches or candles if gas leak may be possible.

  • Avoid electrical appliances where there is water.

  • Stay away from power lines.

  • Check water and food before consumption.

  • Monitor and obey directives from government and campus officials.

  • If you have telephone service, use it only for emergencies.