Emergency Preparedness

Student Tool Kit


Emergency Preparedness Training Video


Being prepared and informed of what you should do in case of an emergency can make a significant difference. Santa Monica College strongly encourages you to become familiar with Emergency Preparedness Procedures of the college. If you are not certain of what action to take or have further questions, please contact the Santa Monica College (SMC) Emergency Line at 310-434-4300.

BASIC Emergency Procedures

  1. Enter the SMC Police Department’s phone number into your cell phone 310-434- 4300.

  2. SMC uses the BlackBoard Connect notification system. In the event of an emergency, the system disseminates information via email, text, and phone.

  3. Be prepared! Print out and study the SMC Emergency Procedures Manual  https://www.smc.edu/Administration/EmergencyPreparedness

  4. Don’t forget to make note of all exits in classrooms and locate all fire extinguishers.

  5. Update emergency contact information at the college.

  6. Download SMC Evacuation Zone Map http://arcg.is/1QVlGGM

  7. Make sure you have a main point of contact outside the city and the state with whom you/your family members can leave messages in case local internet and phone services are not working.

  8. If your distressed and need to speak with someone, contact Psychological Services at 310-434-4503.

Students who Commute to Campus via  Bus, Bike, Walk or Carpool

Keep Supplies for up to 3 days. Include items such as:

  • A reusable water canteen and make sure it is always filled

  • 3 small packages of edible nuts

  • 3 granola bars, fruit roll-ups, & hard candies such as jolly ranchers

  • 1 small personal first aid kit – CVS sells them for .99 cents

  • 1 small pack of wet wipes

  • 3 emergency light sticks (they last for 8-10 hours) or small maglite flashlight

  • Silver rescue blanket

  • 1 whistle/ Deck of cards

  • 2 small packs of travel Kleenex

  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged each day (you may not be able to call, but texts can sometimes get through).

  • Emergency Contact Card with your name, DOB and Student ID # - emergency contacts on one side – any medical conditions and medications on the other side (try to laminate)

  • Any medications in the original prescription bottle.

  • Keep $20 in small bills and change in your backpack at all times

  • Women – keep a supply of feminine products/needs

  • Photos of your family or loved ones.  It could be a source of comfort during an emergency

Students who Drive to Campus

Keep supplies in your trunk.  Fill an old backpack with the following:

  • 3 day supply of food and water.  Choose items that you will want to eat, that have at least a 6 month shelf life and do not need to be heated or cooked.  Make sure they are in small packages such as granola bars, nuts and fruit leather.  Make sure to update your kit at the beginning of each semester – rotate expired foods.  If items are canned goods, make sure it is a “pop” top or you have enclosed a can opener in your pack.  Include eating utensils if you have canned goods.
  • Hard candies such as jolly ranchers
  • Water can be kept in the trunk, provided it is kept in a non-plastic, BPA free container.  Water pouches are perfect
  • Clean change of clothes, socks and sturdy closed-toed shoes
  • First Aid Kit – contains bandages, small scissors, gauze, cold pack, wound cleaning kit, pain relief (Tylenol), alcohol swabs, medical tape
  • Wet wipes for personal body cleansing
  • Roll of toilet paper – or small packs of travel Kleenex
  • Whistle
  • Emergency Contact Card with your name, DOB and Student ID # - emergency contacts on one side – any medical conditions and medications on the other side (try to laminate)
  • Any medications in the original prescription bottle
  • Keep $20 in small bills and change in your backpack at all times
  • Women – keep a supply of feminine products/needs
  • Blanket and or sleeping bag
  • Dust mask and gloves
  • Flashlight (with extra batteries)
  • Keep your cell phone charged – In an emergency you may not be able to call out, but text messages will sometimes go through
  • Photos of your family or loved ones
  • Deck of cards

Note: Most of these items can be kept in a backpack.  Other items can be stored in the trunk of your car in a second bag or backpack. 

Student Emergency Precedures Checklist

EP- Create A Student Emergency Kit (Final)