Office of Information Technology

Student Technology Introduction

overview of technology services for SMC students... including when services start and stop

Cybersecurity Caution

There are two common scam phishing emails that occasionally arrive in student email accounts:

  • "job opportunity" emails are always phishing scams. SMC never advertises jobs through email messages.

    The SMC Office of Career Services only advertises legitimate job opportunities using an outside vendor through the web-based HireSMC service.

  • "account/storage termination" are always phishing scams. The College NEVER requires students to click a link or fill out a webform to keep any student online service (email or anything else) active.

    If a former student's online services are eventually going to be terminated for non-enrollment after a year of non-enrollment at SMC, a new SMC admission application is the only way to keep online services active. Information about how long SMC services remain available.


Never provide personal information in response to an unsolicited email.

Please forward suspected phishing messages under the subject line "phishing" to:

We have to review the original message to see if the compromised account sending the phishing is a new victim or one we already know about. We prioritize getting current students back online as fast as possible.

Help! I can't log in

Note that SMC online services become available to you at different times. Online services will be deactivated immediately if a cybersecurity violation is detected, such as a password shared with anyone else.

SMC on-campus wi-fi network

Summary of online services

Corsair Connect

This is the student self-service system.

It will show your class schedule. You can add or drop classes.

The name comes from the name of the SMC athletic teams, the "Corsairs". The word means "pirate", "privateer", or a small, fast ship they sailed. A "corsair" was a French or Barbary Coast pirate or privateer hundreds of years ago.

Shortcut address to the login page:

Corsair Connect instructions:

Student Email

SMC automatically creates a special email account for every student. It is used to communicate with SMC.

Your address ends with ""

It will not exchange email with non-SMC addresses unless your classes have started. The restriction resumes when you stop taking classes.

The main login page for student email is a link inside Corsair Connect (on its main menu). However, there is a backup email login page 

Your SMC student email account is a rebranded Google email account. If you have a personal Google account (such as a Gmail email), you might want to set your computer or phone to handle multiple Google accounts simultaneously.

Google has general instructions online.

SMC-specific student email instructions


This is an online course management system that lets instructors set up a special website restricted to the students enrolled in the class.

Your class syllabus is probably inside Canvas. Links to online course meetings or office hours might be inside Canvas too.

Your account is created two weeks before class starts, or one day after you enroll, whichever is later. A class shows up whenever the instructor publishes it (usually near the first day of class).

Canvas login page (starting 2 weeks before a student's first class starts or 24 hours after enrolling, whichever is later)

Microsoft 365

You can use Microsoft Word, Excel, and specific other programs for free during any semester you are enrolled in a class. This ends if you drop all classes or the semester ends.

Instructions for using an SMC MIcrosoft 365 student license are online.

Microsoft 365 login page (after a student's first class starts)

SMC SIGN-ON password management system

SMC SIGN-ON controls your SMC password and everything related to resetting a forgotten password.


You can change your:

  • password
  • challenge question/answer pairs
  • email address registered for password resets (only)
  • mobile phone number registered for password resets (only) 

Virtual Computer Lab

The SMC Virtual Computer Lab (VCL) remotely connects students in specific SMC classes to specialized software provided by SMC. Your instructor will announce it if your class uses the Virtual Computer Lab.

Other Technology Services Available

Arts and Media

Chromebook laptop computer loan

SMC has loaner Chromebooks available.

Please ask a counselor or your instructor if you need one.


Computer Labs

On-campus, in-person computer centers (labs) are available to currently enrolled students.

On-Campus Wireless Network:  SMC_WIFI

The SMC WI_FI on-campus wireless network is available to currently enrolled students and employees at SMC.

Need more help?

Ask a Technology-Related Question

SMC provides technology information from both the SMC website and webpage addresses ending with  Check out the technology support homepage or its parts:

  • knowledge base (a collection of articles about SMC technology)
  • services list (technology things you can ask about)

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