Health & Benefit Plans

Medical Plans


Santa Monica Community College Dis​trict offers medical coverage to the various employee groups at the District. Eligibility and premium rates vary​ by employee groups.

Classified Employees, Classified Managers, Confidential Employees, Police Officers, Academic Administrators & Full-time Faculty

CalPERS - Your Health Plan Details

Employees eligible​ for CalPERS health benefits have PPO and HMO options for medical coverage.

CalPERS Medical Plan Contac​t Information

Plan Website Member Services
PERS Platinum & PERS Gold PPO ​Plans 855-633-4436
Dial "711" for TTY
Anthem Blue Cross ​Select & Traditional HMO Plans 855-839-4524
TTY: 866-333-4823
Blue Shield Access Plus & Trio HMO Plan 800-334-5847
TTY: 800-241-1823 or
65 Plus TTY: 800-794-1099
Health Net Salud Y Mas 888-926-4921
TTY: 888-926-5003
Kaiser Permanente HMO Plan 800-464-4000
TTY: 800-777-1370
United HealthCare Alliance & Harmony HMO Plans 877-359-3714
TTY: 877-359-3714 (voice)
Dial "711" for TTY
Optum RX Prescriptions Drugs 855-505-8110
TTY: Dial 711

Adjunct Faculty & Project Managers

Adjunct Faculty and Project Managers have an HMO option for medical coverage through Kaiser Permanente.

Plan Website Member Services
Kaiser Permanente 800-464-4000
TTY: 800-777-1370

Employee Notices

For additional information or if you have questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources:

​Alysha DeLuna
Employee Benefits Coordinator
310-434-4523 /

Lugina Rogers
HR Analyst-Leaves & Benefits
310-434-4060 /