Grant Development

SMC Grant Seeking Process


Grant Approval Process Training

Step 1: Plan for Your Proposal

Discuss your idea with your instructional dean or program lead. This is an important first step, as all grants and grant partnerships require the support of the department head that will oversee the grant. Individuals cannot submit institutional grants; they must be submitted by the department that is responsible for their success.

As you discuss your grant idea with your dean or lead, please remember that thoughtful pre-planning is necessary for successful implementation. Grant planning is very similar to new program planning and many factors must be considered as you move forward with your idea. You may consider using the Grant Approval Process Form to guide your planning and conversations.

While considering your grant idea, please contact the Grants Office at x 4180 or for a brief scoping meeting. This is the opportunity for the Grants Office to hear your idea, obtain grant requirements, ask questions for clarification, and share information about the review process prior to the submittal of the GAP form to the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC).

Step 2: Identify Potential Funders

Identify one or more potential sources of funding. If you have not already done so, there is a list of Prospect Research tools on the Grants Office site that may be useful.

Please note that funding sources must be able to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), as the District is required to comply with these accounting rules and standards as a part of its financial reporting.

Step 3: Complete the GAP Form

All grants, especially federal grants, require ample time to (1) prepare, (2) collect the supporting data, and documentation required by the grant, (3) develop the application, and (4) acquire the necessary signatories. As such, grant development requests received with less than 30 days’ notice run the risk of not being submitted. The Grants Advisory Committee comprised of faculty, senior administrators, managers, and classified staff will review the feasibility of submitting a successful grant proposal given the time constraints and determine whether or not the grant development process will proceed.

  1. Complete and submit the Grant Approval Process (GAP) form with as much detail as you are able to provide to the Grants Advisory Committee for review and pre-approval. This form should also be submitted for new grant partnerships, even if SMC is not the lead institution.
    1. Signatures Required: Your Department Chair or immediate supervisor and Area Vice President must sign off on the GAP form prior to submission. If you have questions about or need any support with the form, please contact Tracy Beidleman for assistance.

Email your completed GAP form to and send a copy of the form and attachments to your area VP and supervisor for their review and approval to submit to the Grant Advisory Committee. During the Grant Advisory Committee's review process, additional information may be requested. Within 30 days, the Director of Grants will notify you if the proposal has received the initial approval needed to proceed.

The GAC meets on the second Friday of each month to review and consider proposals but may consider proposals between meetings. Please contact the Grants Office for further assistance.

Step 4: Write the Grant

The Grants Office is here to assist grant seekers with all aspects of grant proposal development. Please coordinate your Grant proposals with the Grants Office to ensure transparency and coordination. Grant seekers may be responsible for portions of the proposal writing. Grant support is available from the Grants Office. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Tracy Beidleman at 310-434-4180 or

Step 5: Obtain Final Administrative Approval

Once the grant is written and the budget is complete, SMC's executive administration must approve the grant. At the least, this means that the VP of your division will review your application and give you the authorization to proceed. However, if your grant includes significant impacts on Facilities, Information Technology, Institutional Research and/or any other department on campus, the program leads of the departments must also approve the grant for submission. Documentation of final approval by the area VP and sign-off by impacted departments should be included with the final submittal.

Step 6: Submit the Grant

All grants submitted on behalf of Santa Monica College must be signed and submitted by an authorized organizational representative or designee. Authorized Organizational Representatives currently include Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, Superintendent/President, Christopher Bonvenuto, Vice President of Business and Administration, and Tracy Beidleman, Director of Grants.