(DPAC action 4/27/05 and 6/8/05)
Overarching Guiding Principles for DPAC Planning Subcommittees
- In its planning process, each subcommittee should make recommendations on matters within its jurisdiction to the District Planning and Advisory Council that are consistent with the District's Mission, Vision and Supporting Goals, Master Plan for Education Institutional Objectives, the Educational and Career Facilities Master Plan, and the Technology Master Plan
- Each planning subcommittee should factor recommendations from other planning areas
- As part its planning process, each planning subcommittee should consider environmentally sustainable practices
- Members of the planning subcommittees should report back to their respective constituencies on a regular basis
Responsibilities of the Planning Subcommittees Co-Chairs
- Develop the schedule of meetings
- All planning subcommittees shall meet at least once a month at a fixed time and location and report to the District Planning and Advisory Council on a monthly basis.
- Work cooperatively to:
- Develop meeting agendas
- Post/distribute agendas in compliance with the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of a regular meeting)
- Preside over meetings using standing rules agreed upon by the subcommittee
- Prepare minutes of meetings
- Post/distribute minutes
(Approved 1/28/09)
Budget Planning Subcommittee
College (Operational) Services Planning Subcommittee
Facilities Planning Subcommittee
Human Resources Planning Subcommittee
Technology Planning Subcommittee