
Health & Safety


Promoting a Healthy and Safe Environment

The safety and health of students, faculty, staff and visitors is the District's primary concern. The District has developed and implemented numerous safety programs designed specifically to promote a safe and healthy environment for all.

Campus safety is a shared responsibility between employees and the District. With your cooperation and involvement, together we can provide a safe and healthy environment for our College Community.

Using Chemicals? Hazard Communication Program

As required by California’s Hazard Communication (HazCom) Regulation (T8 CCR 5194), Santa Monica Commuity College has developed this Hazard Communication Program, which we implement and maintain as an important component of our Injury and Illness Prevention Program (T8 CCR section 3203) to enhance our employees’ health and safety. The Hazard Communication Program manager, Director of Safety & Risk Management, has full authority and responsibility for implementing and maintaining this program.

Our goal is to provide information to all personnel on our worksite about the hazardous chemicals in our workplace, the associated hazards, and the control of these hazards through a program that includes the elements listed below. We expect contractors bringing hazardous chemicals into our workplace to do the same via their own written HazCom Program. Below is a link to our Hazard Communications Program, and a link to our online Safety Data Sheet database.

Hazard Communication Program

Safety Data Sheets