Please screenshot/download all materials that might prove relevant in a grade appeal, as it is on the burden of the student to present evidence for the grade appeal, and the Canvas course is only available for a limited time on your dashboard. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Course syllabus
- Assessment (quiz, midterms, etc.) and assignment instructions, policies, and due dates
- Complete Canvas gradebook at present and at the completion of the course
- Email communications with instructor
- Class announcements or other class communication
- Graded assignment rubrics and instructor comments (such as exams, but also any HW, class participation, etc.)
- Your corresponding uploaded work as shown in Canvas (such as exams, HW etc.)
- Publisher content (grades, assignments, deadlines, etc.) if applicable
- Any other relevant information/files/pages that you deem as important for your grade determination
Since ombuds are not academic counselors, we cannot advise you on which courses to take or how courses can impact your transcript and transfer goals. Please visit the academic counseling website to learn more about their services and to to connect with an academic counselor.
Talk to your professor, if possible, asking how your grade was calculated.
Talk to the department chair.
Talk to the ombudsperson, to explore your options.
If all else fails, consider filing a formal grade appeal.
Be sure to meet all deadlines.
Be sure to download/screenshot and keep any and all materials pertaining to the class. For example, the syllabus, your Canvas gradebook, any instructions on assignments, rubrics, submissions that you made, submission comments from the instructor—this could be exams, homework, discussion board content, labs, presentations, and any and all other documentation to demonstrate why you deserve a higher grade. Keep in mind access to Canvas coursework is limited and will expire at the end of each semester.
Changing a grade is not a trivial matter. If a professor has made a mistake in grading, the professor is usually very willing to correct the mistake. If you believe there has been a mistake, make an appointment with the professor to ask him or her to explain the basis for the grade. The ombudsperson may be able to assist you in this process, but you should try to talk first with the professor. You may also talk to the department chair.
If no mistake has been made, the grade stands. The college has a process for contesting a grade, which may be changed only if the professor has made a mistake, acted in bad faith, fraudulently, or incompetently. The student must prove that there has been a mistake, bad faith, fraud, or incompetence. There is a deadline for filing a grade appeal.
The ombudsperson can explain the grade appeal process, but has no power to change the grade. The ombudsperson assists in the informal process of determining grade calculations and informally resolving communication difficulties between student and professor.
There is a deadline after grades are posted for filing a grade appeal. After that, it is too late. Please meet with the faculty member, if possible, and meet with the Ombudsperson at least two weeks before the following deadlines:
- Fall semester classes: Deadline is April 30, 4pm to turn in paperwork. Meet with the Ombudsperson before April 15, then with an Admissions representative before paperwork submission.
- Winter session classes: Deadline is May 30, 4pm to turn in paperwork. Meet with the Ombudsperson before May 15, then with an Admissions representative before paperwork submission.
- Spring semester classes: Deadline is October 30, 4pm to turn in paperwork. Meet with the Ombudsperson before October 15, then with an Admissions representative before paperwork submission.
- Summer session classes: Deadline is November 30, 4pm to turn in paperwork. Meet with the Ombudsperson before November 15, then with an Admissions representative before paperwork submission.
You must see the ombudsperson before filing the formal grade appeal. Make an appointment online; click the link on the Make an Appointment page.
After informal attempts to resolve the grade dispute including visiting the ombuds office, students may have the option to make use of the formal grade appeal process. The formal process involves filing a Petition for Review of Grade. The petition is obtained from the Dean of Enrollment Services, after the student has contacted the professor and the ombudsperson.
The student should write a clear, concise, and accurate statement explaining the reasons and evidence that the grade is inaccurate.
The grade appeal must be consistent with the Education Code 76224(a):
When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in the public schools, the grade given to each pupil shall be the grade determined by the teacher of the course and the determination of the pupil's grade by the teacher, in the absence of a mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, shall be final.
The student's statement and the Petition for the Review of Grade are returned to the Dean, Enrollment Services, for filing. The student has 90 days following the date of the initial grade report within which to file the petition. Dates for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer courses are April 30, May 30, October 30, and November 30, respectively. The student should plan to meet with the Ombudsperson as soon as possible after learning about the grade.
The statement and petition are sent to the Instructor, Department Chair, VP of Academic Affairs, and back to the Dean, Enrollment Services. Finally, an administrator convenes and chairs the Grade Appeals Committee. The committee consists of three students, three faculty members, and the administrator. The committee meets only in the spring and fall semesters. At the appointed time, the student and professor each present the case before the committee at a hearing that takes about an hour. The committee then deliberates, and makes a decision, which is forwarded to the Superintendent/President. The Superintendent/President notifies all parties of the result.