Personnel Commission

Internal Applicants


Recruitment Opportunities

Although many of our opportunities are available to both current SMC employees and individuals from outside the College, some recruitment's are conducted on a “promotional” basis. 

Promotional - The selection of an employee through a competitive selection process into a vacant position in a different classification with a higher salary range, including a higher maximum salary rate.

Merged Promotional and Open - Opportunities available to both current, permanent and temporary SMC employees, and prospective applicants from outside SMC.

Temporary - Employees may be assigned on an interim basis to cover for a regular employee who is out on leave, to offer additional assistance during periods of abnormal or peak workloads, to assist in special projects, or to perform seasonal work. Temporary Assignments provide a great way to showcase your professional skills and assist Santa Monica College while gaining valuable work experience within higher education. 

Transfer opportunities are available for current, permanent SMC employees who have passed their probationary period. Transfer opportunities allow current employees to broaden their experience by working in different locations on campus within their current job or exploring career paths in other fields through lateral transfers or voluntary demotions. Keep reading for additional details about the different types of transfer and other opportunities available. 

Position Transfer - The transfer of an employee into a vacant position within the employee's same classification which results in a change in department or change in supervisor. Note: Employees can use the transfer process to apply for a shift change (CSEA CBA, Article 6, 6.1.1).

Lateral Transfer - The selection of an employee to a vacant position in a similar or related classification with the same or lower salary range (selected employee must service a probationary period in the new class). 

Voluntary Demotion - An action initiated by the employee that results in a change in their assignment to a position in a different, but related classification which is allocated to a lower salary range.

Eligibility Lists

Once a candidate passes all test parts, their name is added to an “eligibility list”. Names are rank ordered from highest to lowest, based on each candidate’s overall score (for more details about how candidates are hired from an eligibility list, visit our FAQ page under “Job Applicants”. Please see below for a list of classifications that have active eligibility lists.

Job Title List Expiration Date
Academic Records Evaluator (2023) 8/24/2025
Accounting Specialist  7/9/2025*
Administrative Assistant I 2024 6/18/2025
Administrative Assistant I 2024 6/18/2025
Administrative Assistant II 2024 (Promotional Only) 5/19/2025
Associate Programmer Analyst 4/25/2025
Community College Police Captain 9/13/2025
Community College Police Officer 9/12/2025
Cosmetology Assistant 5/2/2025
Custodial Operations Manager (Promotional) 5/14/2025
Database Administrator 7/1/2025
Director of Sustainability (ER-9956) 4/7/2025
Disabled Student Services Assistant 2024 8/21/2025
Employee Benefits Coordinator (PROMOTIONAL ONLY) 5/20/2025
EOPS Specialist (2025 PROMO) 7/20/2025
EOPS/CARE Supervisor (2024 PROMO) 6/10/2025
Financial Aid & Scholarships Specialist (2025 PROMO) 7/15/2025
Grounds Manager (Promotional) 4/4/2025
Health Sciences Learning Lab Specialist 9/23/2025
Human Resources Analyst - Employee and Labor Relations (Confidential) 4/22/2025
Human Resources Analyst - Employee and Labor Relations (Confidential) 5/2/2025
Human Resources Technician (PROMOTIONAL ONLY) 6/22/2025
Information Technology Support Specialist 12/15/2025
Instructional & Universal Designer 6/20/2025
Instructional Assistant-Learning Disabilities (2023) 5/18/2025
Instructional Tutor-Math 2024 8/4/2025
International Student Services Specialist (PROMO 2024) 7/7/2025
IT User Systems Administrator 2/22/2025
Laboratory Technician-Art 2024 7/29/2025
Laboratory Technician-Life Science (Aquaculture) 6/10/2025
Laboratory Technician-Photography 5/25/2025
Lead Custodian (PROMOTIONAL ONLY) 3/20/2025
Mail Services Worker I 10/9/2025*
Mechanical Systems Manager (Promotional) 5/12/2025
Personnel Specialist (PROMOTIONAL) 8/25/2025
Personnel Technician (PROMOTIONAL) 8/25/2025
Production Manager (PROMOTIONAL) 6/9/2025
Professional Development Coordinator (PROMOTIONAL ONLY) 4/24/2025
Program Coordinator - Community Education (PROMO 2024) 12/10/2025
Program Coordinator-Workforce & Economic Development (2024 PROMO) 6/22/2025
Program Specialist (Open) 9/4/2025*
Program Specialist (PROMO) 8/7/2025
Senior Financial Aid and Scholarships Specialist (MPO2024) 9/6/2025
Sign Language Interpreter III 9/11/2025
Stage Construction Technician (2023) 6/6/2025
Student Judicial Affairs Specialist Promo 7/20/2025*
Student Judicial Affairs Specialist Open 7/20/2025*
Student Services Clerk (2023) 8/23/2025
Student Services Specialist (2023) 8/27/2025
Supplemental Instruction Coordinator (2023) 6/18/2025
Theatre Arts Operations Assistant 10/30/2025
Veterans Resource Specialist (PROMO 2023) 6/14/2025

*Pending Personnel Commission Approval 3/11/2025

The Process

All vacancies for represented positions shall be posted for transfer no less than 10 working days.
Notification of the transfer opportunity shall be forwarded to all District employees.

If there are three or more qualified position transfers for represented positions, the hiring manager must choose one of those three candidates.

Unless they have less than an overall "Meets Standards" rating on their last two evaluations, or the Vice President of Human Resources gives written notifications to CSEA setting forth reasons the District will not hire from the transfer list.

If there are less than three qualified positions transfers, the hiring manager may choose any of the following options:

  1. Interview only qualified position transfers.
  2. Interview only qualified position transfer, lateral transfers, and voluntary demotions.
  3. Interview qualified position transfer, lateral transfers, voluntary demotions, reinstatements, and the top three ranks on the eligibility list.

In order to be considered qualified for a position transfer, lateral transfer, or voluntary demotion, the candidate must be in permanent status in the same or a similar classification as the vacant position, and must meet minimum qualifications for the classification of the vacant position.

Before a selection in finalized, confirm with Human Resources that there are no negative performance evaluations or disciplinary actions in the employee's personnel file. If you become aware of any issues, bring them to the attention of the Director of the Personnel Commission before moving forward with an offer.

Any selections made through the Voluntary Demotion process shall be submitted for fiscal review prior to making an offer to the candidate.