
Security Policy: Crime Statistics (Clery Act)


Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Report

The Santa Monica College Police Department is committed to making our campus a safe and secure environment for teaching, learning and community service. This report provides information to our campus community to raise awareness about criminal activity and the resources available to those we serve.

The Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Report is designed to inform you of Santa Monica College’s campus crime statistics, security policies and steps you can take to maximize your personal safety. The Santa Monica College Police and College Administration are committed to providing the highest standard of professionalism and services on behalf of this College and the surrounding community we serve.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act, signed in 1990, is a federal statute codified at 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), with implementing regulations in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 34 C.F.R. 668.46.

This Act requires colleges and universities receiving federal funding to disclose the reported instances of criminal activity on their campus.

The law requires the reporting of violent crime, burglary, and motor vehicle theft, as well as a summary of arrests and disciplinary referrals for liquor law, drug abuse and weapons violations.

This Act requires Santa Monica College to distribute the following information to all current and potential SMC students and employees. Please take a moment to read the following information. Copies of the brochure will also be mailed out upon request made by phone or e-mail.

Santa Monica College Police Department (SMCPD)

The Santa Monica College Police Department is a dedicated, full-service Police Department available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Santa Monica College Police Department is vested with the authority and responsibility to enforce all applicable local, state and federal laws. Our Police Officers are duly sworn Peace Officers, authorized to carry firearms, have the authority and duty to conduct criminal investigations, arrest violators and suppress campus crime on the campus and on all properties owned and operated by Santa Monica College. SMCPD has primary jurisdiction of all SMC-owned and operated properties and concurrent jurisdiction with local agencies in adjacent areas. We receive reports for all incidents occurring on campus and are responsible for investigating all campus crime.

The SMCPD is empowered as a full-service state law enforcement agency and fully subscribes to the standards of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.).

Our police officers receive the same basic training as city and county law enforcement officers throughout the state, plus additional training to meet the unique needs of a campus environment.

The department works closely with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. We regularly meet and exchange information critical to our mission of delivering quality law enforcement services and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all members of our college community.

The department also employs unarmed parking Security Officers. These Security Officers assist and support the SMCPD with a wide variety of parking, safety and security functions.

How We Prepare Our Annual Campus Security Report – “Safety and Security in the SMC Campus Community”

The preparation of the Annual Campus Security Report is an on-going process. Every effort is made to ensure that the report is complete, accurate and in compliance with the law. Included in this process is the gathering of crime statistics from individuals who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities, and local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction within the campus.

After we have collected crime statistics from other sources, the statistics are compared and reconciled to the records maintained by the SMCPD to ensure that all offenses have been recorded and there are no incidents being recorded twice.

When all statistical information has been received, the police department prepares the Annual Security Report and distributes the information in both a printed and online form. The statistical data is also submitted to the Department of Education.

Safety and Security in the SMC College Community

The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff are always our first priority at Santa Monica College. With the support and active involvement of other campus departments, our campus community works together as a team to help keep the SMC campus safe and secure. However, a truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff. This information is a part of our effort to ensure that this collaborative endeavor is effective. We hope you will read it carefully and use the information to help foster a safe environment for yourself and others on the SMC campus.

Reporting Incidents and Crimes

Santa Monica College campus and community safety is everyone’s business. In today’s society maintaining a safe and secure environment can be difficult. At SMC, students, faculty, staff, and visitors are partners in creating a safe environment conducive for teaching and learning. If you witness a crime or become a victim of a crime on any of the SMC campuses it is your responsibility to report the incident immediately to the Santa Monica College Police Department.

The Santa Monica College Police Department is the primary agency for reporting and investigating all crimes that occur on the Santa Monica College Campus.

How do I report a crime; and who do I call in case of an emergency?

The Santa Monica College Police Department phone number is: 310-434-4300, or from any on-campus College telephone dial: 4300, press the 9-1-1 button on any campus pay phone, use any Emergency phone located throughout the campus and in the parking structures, or by coming into the police department located at 1718 Pearl St.

The Emergency phones are directly linked to SMCPD. Crimes in progress and crimes that have just occurred should be reported immediately. Whenever possible, the actual victim or witness of the crime should call directly. First-hand information is always more accurate and complete. If someone merely gives you the information and leaves, please include this information.

The SMCPD Communication Center is staffed 24-hours a day by trained police dispatchers. The dispatchers constantly receive calls from the 9-1-1 and business lines. They assign the appropriate police officers, paramedics or emergency worker to handle the calls. When calling to report a crime or incident, please be ready to give information such as:

  • A brief description of the occurrence,

  • When and where the incident occurred,

  • Weapons the suspect(s) carried,

  • Where and when the suspect(s) was last seen,

  • Description of the suspect(s) (including gender, race, age, height, weight, hair color/length, clothing, facial hair, tattoos/scars) and any other relevant information.

In addition to the importance of reporting, timely information assists in developing information and warnings for the campus community.

When a crime is reported to the Santa Monica College Police Department, a police officer will take a report outlining the circumstances of the incident, as well as any other pertinent information. The officer receiving the report is responsible for following through on the case until its conclusion.

In all instances of criminal activity, the police department works to determine the exact nature of the crime, and the perpetrator of the crime for the purpose of developing a viable criminal case to be forwarded to the District Attorney’s or City Attorney's Office for prosecution.

In all cases where a student is considered a suspect, the police department will also forward the case information to the Office of Judicial Affairs for review and action as a possible violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Non-Emergency Procedures

For non-emergency assistance, please call the SMCPD Front Office at:

310-434-4608. The Department is located at 1718 Pearl St.

Preventing Crime and Services to Help You Stay Safe

Many crimes can be prevented. Preventing crime is ultimately a partnership between you and the College. You can prevent crime by being alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.

It is Santa Monica College Police Department’s intent to inform students and staff of any criminal activity or security problems that may pose a reasonable threat to their physical safety.

Because a critical element of a campus safety program is training, the Santa Monica College Police Department facilitates safety programs, training, and discussions on such topics as sexual assault, harassment, stalking, emergency preparedness and personal safety on and off campus.

Police Department Patrols

The Santa Monica College Police Department uses uniformed and non-uniformed officers to patrol the campus and surrounding areas in cars, on bicycles, and on foot 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Crime Statistics

Under the federal “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act,” Santa Monica College must annually distribute statistics on the reported occurrences of the following offenses:

  • Murder

  • Manslaughter

  • Sex Offenses

  • Forcible (rape, sodomy, rape with a foreign object, and forcible fondling, sexual battery)

  • Non-Forcible (incest and statutory rape)

  • Robbery

  • Aggravated Assault

  • Burglary

  • Motor Vehicle Theft

  • Arson

  • Hate Crimes (where there is evidence of victim selection based on actual or perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability)

  • Arrests or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug abuse violations, and weapons possession.

These offenses must be reported according to their occurrence in the following location categories:

  • Santa Monica College Campus

  • Public Property Reasonably Contiguous to the Campus

  • Non-Campus Buildings

Crime Prevention/Awareness Presentations

The Santa Monica College Police Department has police officers who will come and speak to your class, club, department or organization. The officers speak about the myths and realities of crime on campus and how you can stay safe. If you would like to have an officer speak to your organization, please call the Police Department Front Office at 310-434-4608 or stop by the Police Department Front Office at 1718 Pearl St.

Crime Prevention Literature

The Santa Monica College Police Department maintains a wide variety of crime prevention material in the lobby of the police department. This material deals with a wide variety of topics such as personal safety, sexual assault awareness, home security, vehicle security, domestic violence prevention, etc. You can also find a lot of material on the SMCPD webpage: www.smc.edu/administration/police/index.php 

Timely Warnings

The Santa Monica College Police Department provides crime information and trends to the college community through e-mail networks, the SMCPD web pages, postings and direct distribution of flyers and bulletins. Depending on the nature of the crime and the threat to the community, some or all of these methods are used to ensure the campus is appropriately alerted to any threat in a timely fashion.

Access to Campus Facilities

Most buildings are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. College Police may question anyone who does not appear to have the authorization to be in a building before or after hours.

Note: All buildings are alarmed during non-business hours.

Campus buildings are locked after normal hours and on holidays. Employees who need to access their work area after normal hours must contact the College Police and notify them of their location. All employees are also asked to call once they leave the premises.

It is the responsibility of those using rooms and offices to lock doors, turn off lighting, and close all windows upon leaving. College Police personnel will check areas after hours but the primary responsibility for security lies with the user of the facility.

We cannot stress enough the importance of making sure campus facilities are secured when not in use. By working together we can prevent a vast majority of theft and vandalism that occur to campus facilities left unsecured.

Key to District Facilities

Keys are provided to individual staff members on a need-to-enter basis as determined by the appropriate supervisor. Lost or stolen keys must be reported immediately to the College Police and the employee’s supervisor. Keys are not to be loaned to other staff members or to students. College Police will confiscate keys which have not been specifically issued to a particular individual. Unauthorized duplication and illegal possession of College keys is a misdemeanor.

Maintenance of District Facilities

The Santa Monica College Maintenance and Operations Departments are responsible for the maintenance of College facilities. The College Police Department, Maintenance and Operations Departments work closely to ensure the College facilities are maintained for safety and security.

District Property

No College property may be removed from the college without expressed permission from the College. Unauthorized removal of College property from the campus is a violation of the law and may result in prosecution.

Procedures for Sexual Assault

Rape and sexual assault are significant issues for all students, employees, and visitors of the Santa Monica College community. It is important to report incidents of rape, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence as soon as possible. Call SMCPD if the sexual assault occurs on the SMC campus or affiliated property. For a sexual assault that occurs off college property, report it immediately to the local law enforcement agency. Students and employees who are nearby campus may report the sexual assault to SMCPD.

In cases of sexual assault reported to SMCPD, the police officer will take the initial crime report. A rape counselor, friend or family member may be present at the survivor’s request. If the survivor has not received medical attention, the officer will take the survivor to the Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. The police officer will also inform the survivor of the availability of the SMC Health Office to provide follow-up assistance and support if they have not already been contacted.

Medical attention for sexual assault survivors is vital for detecting and treating a range of medical concerns, including sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and possible internal injuries. Within 72 hours of a sexual assault, it is important to collect evidence to aid the judicial process. The Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center is the Santa Monica College resource used to perform a variety of services such as emergency medical treatment, psychological counseling, and collection of evidence. For more information regarding the treatment of sexual assault and rape, call the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center at 310-319-4000.

The SMCPD, Health Office and Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center provide support and assist survivors to ensure that they are fully informed of their rights under California law. Survivors will also receive information on appropriate judicial procedures such as pressing charges and obtaining a restraining order.

While survivors of sexual assaults are strongly encouraged to contact SMCPD, there may be occasions where students prefer to go to other campus staff. Staff members provide a wide range of resources and are available to assist the student in working with SMCPD if the survivor chooses.

If a suspect is arrested, SMCPD officer(s) will assist City of Santa Monica Police Investigators conduct an investigation. The case is then submitted to the District Attorney or City Attorney, and charges may be filed based on their review.

If the survivor is a student, he or she may request changes in his/her academic situation. After the survivor has made a report of an assault, campus administrators may grant any reasonable request for a change. If the survivor reports being sexually assaulted by another student, the Office of Judicial Affairs will conduct a timely investigation of the allegations of a possible violation of the Student Conduct Code. An interview with witnesses may be necessary.

The individual charged with sexual assault is entitled to due process and will be given notice and full opportunity to respond to the allegation made against her or him.

Sex Offender Notice

The State of California requires sex offenders to register with the police in the jurisdiction in which they reside. The State makes this information available to law enforcement agencies. This information for the Santa Monica College community area is available to the public at the College Police Department located at 1718 Pearl St.

Additionally, the Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled or employed at institutions of higher education. The State of California (Penal Code 290) requires sex offenders to register within the state, within 5 working days. Offenders must also register with the campus Chief of Police if she/he is domiciled upon the campus or any of its facilities.

Weapons Prohibition on Campus

Possession of firearms or replicas, ammunition, explosives, knives/blades longer than 21/2 inches, other weapons, or fireworks are against the law in the College community or at College-sponsored activities. California Penal Codes 626.9 and 626.10 also prohibit the possession of firearms (including pellet and BB guns) on College property.

If you are a witness to a crime involving a weapon, please call 9-1-1 immediately. If you see a weapon of any kind on campus, alert SMCPD by calling 310-434-4300 or 9-1-1.

Reporting Hate Crimes and Incidents

Perpetrators of crimes motivated by race, religion, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation will be prosecuted. Hate crimes are a serious offense under California law and conviction of a hate crime can result in prison time. Santa Monica College takes a strong stance against hate crimes, violent acts, property damage, intimidation and threats due to a person’s personal characteristics. A conviction cannot be based on speech alone unless the speech is based on threats against a person or a group of people. If you are a victim of or witness a hate crime, report it as soon as possible to the appropriate police agency. If the incident occurs on campus, call SMCPD. The Office of Judicial Affairs also handles hate crimes and Student Conduct Code violations.

The most effective way to handle a hate crime or incident is by filing a police report with SMCPD.

Disciplinary Action: Students, Staff & Faculty

The Office of Judicial Affairs handles matters concerning alleged student violations of the Santa Monica College Student Conduct Code. The College has jurisdiction over student conduct that occurs on College property, or in connection with official College functions whether on or off College property. The College prohibits any physical harm to person(s) such as sexual assault, rape, violent threats and any conduct that may endanger a person(s) safety. Anyone can make an allegation against a student; however, allegations must be in writing and may not be anonymous. Written allegations are evaluated by the Office of Judicial Affairs prior to contacting the accused student. Hearings are conducted by the Student Conduct Appeals Committee. The Hearing is formal with the accused and accuser able to present witnesses and documents to support their case. Students may elect to have representation. If the student admits to violating the Santa Monica College Student Conduct Code or is found responsible in a hearing, he/she should expect to be sanctioned. Sanctions range from a warning to dismissal from Santa Monica College. Additional questions concerning student conduct can be answered by calling 310-434-4655.

Santa Monica College staff and faculty members may be subject to disciplinary action under applicable personnel policies. To report staff or faculty misconduct, call SMC Human Resources 310-434- 4419.

Campus Security & Crime Prevention Programs

The Santa Monica College Police Department is dedicated to promoting and maintaining safety awareness.

One of the essential ingredients of any successful crime prevention program is an informed public. It is the intent of Santa Monica College to inform the College Community, in a timely manner, of any criminal activity or security problems which may pose a reasonable threat to their physical safety. Presentations and special workshops on all aspects of personal safety, prevention of workplace violence, office/business safety, rape/assault prevention, and related law enforcement topics are available upon request to all campus members and an employee and student orientations. You can find an abundance of safety, emergency preparedness, and crime prevention information on the SMC website.

The Santa Monica College Police Department encourages students, faculty, and staff to be responsible for their own safety by taking proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of victimization or crimes on campus. All faculty, staff, and students are asked to be alert, security conscious, and involved. Call the College Police at 310-434-4300 whenever you see suspicious activity or behavior.

Substance Abuse Policy

In accordance with Public Law 101-226, “Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989,” The Board of Trustees of Santa Monica College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of alcohol or controlled substances by College employees and students in the workplace, on College premises, or at any SMC official function. In addition, employees and students shall not use illegal substances that impair their work performance, scholarly activities, or student life.

Any employee or student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Santa Monica College or termination from employment for violations of District Policy.

The possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages by anyone on Santa Monica College property is a misdemeanor as per California Business and Professions Code 25608 and a violation of the Santa Monica College Student Conduct Code.

Use, sale or possession of any illegal drug is a violation of state law. Any person found in violation of laws pertaining to alcohol or drugs may be subject to arrest by the College Police Department, federal, state, or local law enforcement authorities. Criminal prosecution is separate from any administrative discipline that may be imposed by Santa Monica College.

On an Off-Campus Resource List

Disabled Student Office – Santa Monica College
Student Services Bldg.-Room 153

Health Office – Santa Monica College
Located in the Northeast corner of the Cayton Center Complex by the cafeteria.
Room 112

Human Resources - Santa Monica College
2714 Pico Blvd.
310-434-4415- Academic
310-434-4881- Classified

Ombudsperson Office - Santa Monica College
Student Services Bldg.

SMC Center for Wellness and Well-being
Student Services Bldg.

SMC Police Department
1718 Pearl St.
310-434-4300 – Emergency

Student Life – Santa Monica College
SA Room 202

Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center

Los Angeles Rape and Battering Hotline