
Data Dashboards


Access data dashboards providing historical college, department, and discipline-level data about Santa Monica College, including data about the student population, course enrollments, course success, and degrees/certificates awarded.

Definition of Data Terms and Metrics

Public Data Dashboards


The following data reports are available to the public and can be filtered and disaggregated by student demographic and course attributes such as gender, race/ethnicity, campus, and distance education status and can be drilled down to the course level (when applicable):

  • Student Headcount
  • Course Enrollment
  • Section Offerings
  • Enrollment Map by Zip Code
  • Course Success Rates
  • Course Retention Rates
  • Grade Distribution
  • Term-to-Term Persistence
  • Degrees and Certificates Awarded

If you are not an employee of SMC, please select "Log in as Guest".

Last High School Attended  

The dashboard provides information about the last high school attended for students enrolled in credit courses during the fall semesters. The data can be filtered by fall term year and enrollment status (first-time students only, all credit students).


The dashboard summarizes the findings of the annual CTEOS administered to students who completed a degree/certificate in CE (career education) and students who didn't complete or transfer but were skillbuilders (completed 9+ units in CE courses). The survey assesses students' satisfaction with their CE courses and programs, the impact of their SMC education on their employment outcomes (i.e., wage, employment, benefits), and how students' coursework and training prepared them for their current careers.

Internal Data Dashboards

Requires SMC user account and password. 

Access Precision Campus

SMC Precision Campus

Access data dashboards to be used for the annual and six-year program review self-evaluation reports.

Resources, Trainings, and Guides

Resources and Trainings

Access training tools, guides, videos, and other resources to learn how to use SMC Precision Campus for program review and planning.

Overview of Precision Campus

Intro to Precision Campus Video

A brief 2 1/2 minute video providing a visual orientation to the SMC Precision Campus tool.
