Management Association



Structure of Management Association Executive Committee

The MA Exec Committee is composed of the Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President (Pres-Elect), Coordinator, Treasurer, HR Representative and up to 3 at-large appointments. Nominations are accepted for the at-large positions, VP, Coordinator and Treasurer. The Vice-President will automatically transition into the Presidency.

At-large appointments will be made taking into account the following considerations:

  • Diversifying the composition of MA Exec
  • While it may not be possible to get broad representation across all of the areas below, MA Exec should aim for inclusive representation of:
    • Functional Areas/Divisions (i.e. SA, AA, Business, Enrollment, etc),
    • Job Classification (Academic Administrator, Classified Manager, Confidential, Project Manager), and
    • Managers with differing tenures of experience (specifically new managers).

Great care should be made before making any appointments to MA Exec when there is a supervisory or reporting relationship with any other potential members.

Process for Nominations

Colleagues, Management Association Executive Committee encourages you to submit a nomination form at any time for yourself or any other colleague to be considered for service on MA Exec. All Managers are welcome to serve. Management Association is comprised of all academic managers, classified administrators and managers, and confidential staff. For the purposes of this nomination form, the term "manager" includes all of the above.

Please use the below form to nominate any Manager, including yourself, for a position on MA Exec. The normal appointment cycle is in even years, for a 2 year term that starts that July 1. Occasionally, there is a need to fill vacancies at other times. MA Exec will review all nominees whenever there are vacancies to fill.


Biennially, MA Exec shall review all nominations before the May meeting, and propose a slate of officers to the full MA membership attending the June meeting, for a ratification vote. Subsequent ratification votes when necessary to fill vacancies. Ratification shall require a simple majority vote of those Managers present at the ratification meeting.

All members of the MA Executive Committee must be dues-paying members in order to serve for the duration of their service. It is encouraged for every Manager to pay MA dues. Nominations will only be accepted from Dues-paying members.

Nomination Form

Please use this Nomination Form to submit your nominations. Nominations received by May 10, 2024 will be considered for the 2024-2026 MA Exec Term. Nominations can be for yourself or for any other Manager (academic managers, classified administrators and managers, and
confidential staff).

Nominations received after May 10, 2024 will be considered, as needed, for vacancies on MA Exec, and potential other opportunities, as needed.