Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity

Workplace Posters


Santa Monica College Required Workplace Posters

Under California and federal law, all employers must meet workplace posting obligations that inform workers and employers of their rights and responsibilities.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the District has arranged for employees to access the workplace posters via an online platform called e-Viewer.

Click on the following to see required labor law notifications (password protected and accessible to all SMC employees with an @smc.edu email account): Required Notifications.

Postings can also be found throughout the main campus as well as at the satellite campuses. For a list of locations, click on Campus Locations for Labor Postings

The following documents are currently posted at each location and can be accessed through e-Viewer:

Postings are updated throughout the year. If you require versions of these posters in other languages or for more information, please contact the Office of Human Resources, 310-434-4415.